Did you know that brig E was nerfed because

it would make certain new character look more weak than it already is otherwise?

yea… pretty convenient that Brig E was nerfed to 25 m and now we have a new character than can do the same (and worse) at 30 meters

pretty disgusting if you ask me…


Its pretty obvious that they wanted Weaver to look better, by nerfing another hero… I am pretty sure thats also the reason why they punished Mercy so hard. But this did not matter at all, because he is still worse than Brig and Mercy and non of the both are in a strong state currently. The game is ruled by Ana, Bap and Zen with some Kiriko to counter Ana…


yet regardless of the results, the point is they are willing to nerf another heroes to make the new ones more appealing (buy our stuff!).

Conspiracy theories make you look like Facebook boomers


that is a weird conspiracy theory but i have no way to disprove/prove it so who knows :man_shrugging:

i use to wonder why sojourn seemed like a favorite dev hero. i dont hate sojourn tho i find her fun to play from time to time


your naivety is precisely why this stuff goes unnoticed most of the time dear.

all has a reason to be. ask yourself why brig E was nerfed to begin with when no one complained about it, they didn’t even gave a reason for the nerf.

now check the abilites
-both work as an autotargeteable heal that needs to travel distance to reach the target.
-before the nerf she has 30 meter range

you can easily connect the dots and get why this was done.

I assumed it was because of the ult rework, and not wanting to risk making Brig more powerful than intended.

where’s the correlation between her E and rally to begin with?

rally doesn’t make her E stronger in any way, doesn’t gain more range, neither more heal. The devs didn’t even mention something like “to compensate brig new strength (haha), we will nerf her E”

this is tinfoil hat stuff lol, devs wouldnt nerf a character to make a new one look stronger, they’d just actually MAKE the new one stronger

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The pack range nerf is something that players have been asking for years because its the main reason Blizz used to say they couldnt buff her survivability.

Not only that but LW’s has no cooldown. Of course its going to be worse, he doesnt have to deal with charges.

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Not the first time something like this happened. Torb lost his Level 3 turret right before Ashe was released. Various hitscans have had range adjustments so they don’t step on one another’s toes.

the same devs that said brig rework would be delayed an entire season because of “we need to add SFX, VFX, etc…” and when it came it was only a bigger shield?

boi, you’re so clueless…

I searched the forums and reddit, NO TOPICS about people complaining about Repair Pack. On the contrary, all of them asking for a buff.

There doesn’t have to be one if the idea is to give the character a compensation nerf.

If they were really going to nerf healing to make LWeaver look good, then they’d have nerfed all the other high-powered healing. Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Moira… I don’t remember any of those getting healing nerfs.

so if one part of a character works just fine, and then I decide to badly buff another part of it that was underperforming, I can go screw the good part just to justify it?

that ain’t balance m8, because you actually made a character worse by nerfing his good part in exchange for a “rework” that didn’t actually fixed the problem.

does any of them have autotargeteable heals? they work different and are oriented to different playstyles, more aggresive ones.

The point is to weaken those characters that have similar functions, not to weak support in general.

Just wanna add, Brig is awful now.

You really think they reworked Brig’s ult with the intention of doing a bad job? Come on, man. Step away, take a deep breath, and think it over. They thought this new ult would be an improvement. If they had a crystal ball then they would have used it to see how rough LW would be on launch.

Kiriko’s is pretty much along the same lines as LW’s flower and Brig’s Repair, yeah. Moira’s healing is not generally considered hard-to-apply. But I don’t see why that would matter. In your conspiracy theory, they nerfed Brig to make LW look good. Why wouldn’t that apply to all high-healing supports and only to Brig? It doesn’t pass the smell test.

Tbh, I think it’s got less to do with LifeWeaver and more to do with how all these peeling abilities exacerbate to the “Lol just Dive the Widow” issue.

Especially peeling that goes through enemy Barriers/Matrixes.
(I.e. RepairPack and LifeGrip)

Better than an ostrich planting it’s head in the sand, with it’s rear in the air, imo.

Dive the widow actually these abilities help the diver more than widow.

Gut mercy and ana primary by half you will no longer see pocketed dps.

Here’s how I would do it.

I.e. Change the more problematic pocketed DPS, or narrowly target the interaction:

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