Did we forget about Diablo 4 at Blizzcon?

I personally thought the early days were the best. They hadn’t casual’d the entire game yet.

i think all the hype for diablo died with this


Haha fair enough. I hated the auction house. That they actually made money off of it meant they were financially benefiting from putting the drop rate of legendaries insanely low, kinda like games have ways to purchase things to remove grind :roll_eyes: if the items you found were actually good or relevant, than it might’ve been interesting. Instead I would get innumerable pairs of crappy frost burn gauntlets that it became an in joke in our group. It was insane.

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by “casual’d”? From the get go the game had fully reskillable ability sets… which I think is also a good thing as you don’t have to play the game a million billion times to see what you enjoy, but it definitely cheapens everything a bit :thinking:

Diablo 3 was truly awful, so I’m not holding my breath. Grim Dawn exists anyway.

No arguments there! It totally destroyed the game on the softcore side. Hardcore was a different story, not that I used the AH much - It basically worked as intended there because bot farmers weren’t really a thing.

Things like the item drop system. I understand why people didn’t like it, but I loved how it made every part of my kit feel special. Like each piece was mine and not just a throwaway placeholder for the next hour until I found the same set piece for the 10th time today with an extra +1% to a stat. Then the enchanter came along and totally nullified the drop system by allowing you to get exactly what you want without even leaving town.

Enemies were stronger - Fighting them didn’t feel like farming. Particularly bosses.

My first campaign completion on Inferno was on a glass-cannon demon hunter. That was before they nuked the entire playstyle by giving so many enemies the unavoidable DoTs and such and forcing you to spec to be a damage sponge.

You’re right though, D3 was definitely leaning to the causal side as far as ARPGs go, even in the beginning.

I think people just stopped getting their hopes up after the release of Diablo 3 fiasco.

They ruined Butcher and how scary he was, the Real money auction house was a total failure, nudity removed, deep gothic themes removed, game became really colorful, no more cow level… Always have to be connected to internet.

I could go on and on but you get the idea. The devs even said they never played Diablo 1 or 2 when working on Diablo 3.

Then Diablo Mobile after years? Dont you have phones?

You just make people stop caring when all this happens.

Diablo rules, but I think it’s still a long way off. I bet Diablo Immortal will get a release date, though.

I don’t think anyone cares about diablo immortal especially after they lost billions in stocks over it.

I just hated that blizz made money off it and the incentives that created. If instead it was trading for items only rather than currency/IRL$. I see the value of everyone finding something random and everyone working together to share it among the community to improve everyone, but I think I’d rather just have that limited to the group you actually play with. Not necessarily in game at the exact same time mind you, would be nice to spec up friend with equipment without them having to be in the server with you all of the time :thinking:

Yeh I’d agree with that. That’s where the early/mid game after max levelling is great. Everything is usually something interesting and unique.

Yeh I know the feeling in a sense. You ended up farming weenies for legendary drops were just fiery souls. On the other hand when get over 600+ paragon I found that almost nothing that dropped was of any interest to me anyway :thinking: perhaps the paragon system would’ve better spent upgrading the enchanter, so that the ability to improve you gear by 1% at a time was limited to those that drops were basically meaningless :man_shrugging:t2:

Ugh so much essentially unavoidable spam damage that hits for a million billion. I weirdly like playing Tanky/Healy/Support chars so I used to be the one doing several hundred thousand healing per second, changing stuns damage reductions, pulls, etc. Sometimes it felt like I was doing nothing and people were all “youre a waste of space cos your not doing trillion crits” then they’d walk more than 10m away from me and immediately die :rofl:

I don’t mind playing damage sponge for others but it’s a shame when you have to sponge.

After Diablo Immortal was announced I never looked at Diablo again. 3 was already a disappointment when looking at the legacy 2 created.

I played it on Switch, I finished the campaing and DLC only one time, then never touched it again…

I don’t have an objection to blizz making money of it, strictly speaking. What I hated was that they apparently forgot bot farmers existed, which let the whole system inflate out of control within days of launch. Suddenly everyone had a million billion gold and were just kitting themselves out with AH gear and bypassing the entire game.

That was the problem that Hardcore mode avoided. Even real-money prices on the HC AH were much more reasonable (not that I ever bought anything there). Dying meant losing the money, so nobody wanted to spend big.

Then don’t imagine. They gave us two games. The Diablo Immortal announcement was a disappointment because it was a mobile game and we were waiting for Diablo 4. Diablo 4 has since been announced though and they update on its progress quarterly.

The entire Diablo Immortal controversy stemmed from us waiting for Diablo 4, so why would we be unpleased about Diablo 4 at Blizzcon?

Anyone saying Diablo 3 is terrible is not someone to be taken seriously. The game is objectively good and any other studio would kill to have made that game.

Diablo Immortal is going to be good, too. And it’s going to sell extremely well, too, just like Diablo 3. Probably more.

Life’s more fun when you don’t get all your opinions spoon fed to you from youtube clickbait, you guys should try it sometime. Sometimes, if I don’t think I’ll like a game, I just ignore it, rather than invent sinister plots being orchestrated by the studio and vague prophecies of their imminent doom.

Diablo 3 is a slot machine pretending to be a videogame.

Absurd statement. Like I said, not someone to be taken seriously.

it didnt bother me, i simply stated this is the overwatch forums not the diablo forums lol

How is it absurd? The entire game is built around RNG and farming various kinds of credits to spend on another spin of the RNG machine.

My god, and I’ve even heard that all games are made up of ones and zeroes, the horror!

We’ve been had!

Ah, I get it. The game is good because you say it is. Gotcha.