Did they just confirm Gency in that Tweet?

:gun: Yes they always loved eachother

cries in bi

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Please tell me you are joking with this reply. They literally have valentines day, white day voicelines, they have voicelines in gibraltr confirming how they love spending time together there, they have voicelines in storm rising literally confirming mercy asks him out on dates, they each have a respective voiceline when the other dies with Mercy saying “Genji, I was too late” and Genji shouting “Angela.” And they have a tanzaku festival voiceline which is mostly celebrated by couples in japan

They are confirmed and it has been for a long time now, please just drop this “They have a very DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP friendship.”

Yeah deep friendship, suuure.


Yes, they have confirmed Gency multiple times and clearly used this as a way to relate how Mercy kept Genji going through a lot of his difficult times and was there for him when no one was and how Genji was present for her when no one has any interest in her, as Mercy herself states in storm rising.

They have valentines and white day voicelines, anyone that is well versed in asian culture will know how big of a deal this is. They have a tanzaku festival voiceline that is mostly celebrated by asian couples and their goals to have wishes come true, they have storm rising voicelines where mercy asks him out, all sorts of other stuff and Tracer practically teasing Genji for staying up to be with her, alone.

So yes, it was confirmed, a very long time ago.

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why would she love a cyborg ? he is not human anymore :man_shrugging:

in a game where omnics are dating humans too and omnic rights is a thing why not cyborgs? most of our popular characters are cyborgs.


oh yeah I forgot that :sweat: makes sense :man_shrugging:

She was the one who gave him that juicy cyborg-ninja butt :wink:

Those voicelines are about as non-romantic as it gets. It’s very weird to put in non-romantic voicelines during a holiday that gives them the perfect opportunity to show their romance, unless Gency aren’t in a romantic relationship. It’s certainly possible one or both of them wants to be, especially Genji. But, due to their circumstances they have not hooked up resulting in a deep friendship that can easily lead to something more.

And in fact, Genji basically dismisses Tracer’s insinuating that they are already together in Storm Rising.

  • Tracer: You and Dr. Ziegler are getting on well aren’t you?
  • Genji: She is the only one who’s awake late at night on base.
  • Tracer: Oh? Is that all?
  • Genji: And I am the only one who can drink her coffee.

Do I think they’ll probably get together eventually? Yeah, probably. Do I think they are already a couple? No. Seems like a deep friendship that could become something more but isn’t to me.

Which would also make sense with the current timeline. Would have been unethical for them to hook up pre-Genji leaving and now that’s he hasn’t been her patient for years they haven’t had much opportunity to get together. Perhaps they’ll do so in OW2.

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Yeah okay you are actually that ignorant, lmfao it is literally one of his peers teasing him that she notices how the two are getting along because Lena herself is in a relationship and can see the way both of them show interest in one another.

Love how you COMPELTELY IGNORE the fact that they have valentines and white day voicelines that can be triggered in game on the specific days and that no other hero AT ALL has them outside of Genji and Mercy, that Mercy literally asks him out to dinner, they have voicelines for either of the two dying in game and the devs constantly saying “Their relationship, Mercy to our genji, etc.” As if it shouldn’t be obvious already that they are together and the Christmas comic having them writing letters to each other.


Do you want to build a strawman? Okay, bye…


I mean, the Valentine’s Day voicelines are them gifting each other chocolates. Genji even offers to share them with her.

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gency is already canon lol, plus their the only two who exchange chocolates on valentines day

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The gifting of chocolate the way it’s written (Japan culture together) can be either to friends or lovers. It’s generally pretty clear who gets what usually, but Blizzard went the vague route. “It’s not even Swiss?!!”

Personally I think they probably will eventually end up a couple, but I don’t think they are there yet and that’s why it’s written so ambiguously when every other canon ship is written very clearly and undebateably.

Think they are sowing the seeds so they can do possibly do something cool with it later, like so much of the stuff they write.


Not to mention there are a lot of thorny issues that their relationship represents if they hooked up pre-Genji’s recovery with Zenyatta that aren’t issues if they simply make them a couple later in the timeline, when they make OW2. And I’m sure Blizz is aware of that.

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I think that was more of a reference to how often you see genji or just dps players in general duo stacking with a mercy who just pockets them all the time

Pharmercy shippers in denial rn.

Genji is her patient. She can’t have a relationship with him it would be a breach of ethics.

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Genji is her former patient. He already had his cyborg body in Retribution which was like 8 years ago.


The SAKE!!! to our Hanzo.

Thing is, if it were simply referring to in-game synergy, it would make more sense for them to say Pharah and Mercy since this pairing has been iconic since the start of the game. Saying the “Mercy to our Genji” definitely feels more lore-involved. And this phrasing is mostly used for couples, too, I think.