I finished top 500 in open que and did not recieve my icon. My phone number is linked and i did my 50 games but it says that my final rank was diamond. But i checked i was around top 300 on the last day
Players below master are removed
wait what does that mean? so to be actually top 500 you had to be masters this past season in open que? So i dont get it then?
No this is a serious bug, players below the master will be kicked out of the TOP500 and Blizzard has no intention to deal with it
i am crushed… I worked so hard for it. CRUSHED BLIZZARD!!! THAT IS HOW I FEEL!!!
How long is this a thing for? It is a complete scam, people spend countless hours grinding to stay high diamond to just be lied to? Their most active playerbase??? Jesus
Here’s a link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards
Hello Blizzard, it’s us again.
You’re not alone in experiencing this bug. I have created a more centralized place to keep our evidence of our missing Top 500 placement and rewards for Season 36. Under my megathread is a new category titled: Season 36 Top 500 Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please post any evidence you have to a filesharing website such as Imgur, Youtube, Reddit, etc. and then reply with a shortened URL and your BattleTag to those posts so I can add them to the megathread as well.
Bumping up this post.
Here is another bump for this post.
Another one. Another one.
Wait for it: and another one.
And another bump …
Eight months later and this issue still exists. Bumping up this thread once more.
I forgot to ask this last time, but out of curiosity, were you also a Top 500 player from Season 36 who is missing their rewards? If so, do create a separate post about it with any evidence you have and I will gladly include it in the megathread. And thanks in advance.
No, never played enough games for T500 unfortunately
That’s unfortunate, but thank you for the reply anyways.
Bumping up this thread again.
i just worked my BOOTY off to get this icon. finally finished t500 in open q (432) for season 8 and was excited to equip my shiny new icon, except… i don’t have access to it. i got the player title “Top 500 Open Challenger” but no icon. Am I just SOL?