When I initially logged in, unlike my friends, my rank stayed the same and under the rewards there was nothing?
I don’t remember what my competitive points were at before but I believe I should have at least gotten the plat challenger title
End of season 3:
Gold 1 Damage
Plat 3 Support
New “rank” for season 4:
Diamond 4 Damage
Diamond 2 Support
I was Master last season and got the rank gm1 when i logged in in my account in Ow2. But I didn’t get the goldpoints or the title for it. I looged in with my second account but didn’t got any rewards too, i was dia 3 on dps
Well my end of season rank did not change at all but I still ended in plat so I should have at least gotten the plat title. My “new rank” aka when I click the competitive section is actually diamond now.
I also didn’t get any comp points or titles. I stopped playing when I was M2 but at the end of the season it got changed to GM2 and Season 4 I’m currently GM2 but no points or title for it. Hopefully this gets fixed soon
Yea what the heck! I finished Master 5 on one account for season 3, and Platinum 3 on another. Neither of the accounts received any competitive rewards or titles. Not to Metin when I look at the season challenges, Season 3 just does not even exist! But Seasons 1, 2, and 4 do? Pleaaaase fix this I only played comp for the rewards.
Ended Season 3 Master 5 DPS and got master 2 Season 4. I got no comp points or title. Any patch to fix this soon?
The Devs have acknowledged this bug: Overwatch 2 Known Issues - June 6, 2023 (Updated). However, we still need to keep spreading the word about this bug so that they actually fix it unlike the bugged career profiles and missing end-of-season rewards from other previous seasons like Season 36. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.
I put your thread under: Incorrect End Of Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-3). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.
Season 2: Ended with Silver 1 highest. No rewards.
Season 3: Ended with Plat 5 highest, game says I finished at Masters 5 in role queue. Didn’t get ANY rewards for either Plat or Masters.
Missing quite a bit of competitive points.
Ended season 3 with around 2800 comp points and the highest rank was plat. Rank decay was removed and now my highest is masters, yet I received no title or rewards for my rank, and now have 2400 comp points. Not only did I get scammed of 1250(crying rn) I also lost around 400 points(sobbing).
did anyone find out what’s going on with this? ended plat 3 and didnt get a single reward… this happened last season too i ended gold 3, and didnt get any points sad face
I am having the same problem, did not get any comps points after any of the seasons so far in Overwatch 2. After it didn’t get fixed I just assumed you don’t get points anymore for end of season rewards lol, realizing now it’s just a bug that hasn’t been fixed. Hopefully they can fix it and compensate with the amount of points that should have been earned for each season.
Same here, logged in and expected to have my comp points but I was shocked when it only showed the rank. After that I never received the rewards I was supposed to. Blizzard pls fix this.
Yeah same. Ended the season on platinum, expecting my end of season rewards (the only reason I play comp), so I can finally afford a golden gun and to my surprise I got 0 rewards. Thanks for absolutely nothing, Blizzard.
Ended season diamond 4 support and gold 2 dps. Still gold 2 for DPS but Diamond 1 on support. Have not received competitive rewards for either role.
Same here.
Ended S3 as Master 5, won 15 games and didn’t receive anything.
Not even OW1 was that bugged, ngl.
I didnt get my points either ,my rank didnt go down or up it stayed the but i not receive my comp points i was waiting to get at the end of the season.Should got 1200 points for my master 5 rank
I reached Master 3 at the end of the season, but I didn’t receive any rewards today, which made me angry
I also didn’t get rewards, not for plat or my diamond bump
Me too I am SO MAD I WANNA SUE THEM. I ended Master and didn’t receive coins and titles, nothing!!!
Same here, logged on got to plat 2 originally but they reranked me to Diamond 4 and I still don’t have my title or comp points.