Did footstep audio range change?

Ok, so… I honestly berated myself for not paying attention enough but, I’ve had a few instances where Doom has flanked us and I swear to God, I didn’t hear a single step from behind. In fact, it wasn’t until I was faceplanted into a wall with his rocket punch(?) did I even see he was around… much less ramping up his punch. Happened a few times that I honestly thought I was losing my mind or they have a way of walking like a feather.


I mean they might be crouching Kappa

Mercy walking miles away: CLICKETY CLAK

Reaper breathing down your neck: …


I’ve literally heard zenyatta charge orbs from other side of Hanamura and I can hear every occasion widow’s use grappling hook, but apparently I’m incapable of hearing reapers drop behind me, doomfist stomping around and mccree’s going around corners to flashbang me. Oh and sonic arrows too, so quiet you cannot hear the small twang that says “hanzo will headshot you in a second”.

Well that explains a lot. I thought the game felt too quiet.

I’m experiencing many audio issues on Nintendo Switch as well. I’m getting flanked by Moira, Reaper, Winston, Doomfist… And most of the time I won’t hear a single thing. No footsteps, no sound for primary fire. It’s been like this since release.

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They changed or broke it.
All dps heroes used to have very loud footsteps. Now, you cant hear most of them


I can casually hear the enemy Sombra firing blindly from the defense spawn of Gibraltr when she’s under the bridge, but I can’t hear pharah flying or Reaper walking behind me.

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It’s been a problem for almost 2 years now and reported multiple times as a bug but they haven’t done anything about it.

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Gonna reiterate here- I had a McCree walk up on me yesterday, no sound at all of those clunky boots … Blizzard fix the sound!

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Some heroes are a lot louder than others. I can hear Mccree through 2 walls and 5 enemy players. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Zarya in my life.

Take a good headset
Activate Dolby atmos in the audio options
Problem solve ;D

Have a good headset and have the dolby option enabled ( never even played with that turned off) . Still have that issue.

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Put your music on off then, because I can hear everything and I dont have an op stuff

Never played with music on since release.

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It has to be broken in some way, literally almost never hear flankers anymore, even a roadhog I normally don’t hear until I’m dead. Then I almost always watch the kill cam to see if maybe they were crouched and they’re usually not. All of my sound settings in windows are correct, I have Dolby enabled in game, everything is updated. I’m glad to know I’m not the only person experiencing this.

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This thread was opened in october, last comment on november. We have end January 2020, still broken. Could you fix this pls?

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Same been haven that problem with reaper and hanzo and moira I was playing widowmaker and the hanzo was just flanking behind taken me out 3 times I even put a widow mine out but I didnt hear him come at all. Moira is far to quiet I’m getting damages by her but I cant hear that I’m getting damaged. And reaper is literally silent

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its worse than you think!

the problem has been around as early as late spring/early summer 2016, and only spread and got worse since then. there’s even been patch notes claiming the issue is resolved a few times (most notably last october they said they fixed it by making the sounds louder, buuuut… the problem isnt the volume its that the sounds don’t play in the first place).

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Same, I used to never get snuck up on because I’m really hyper aware of sounds and footsteps, I could even tell if it was my Reaper or Widow vs. an enemy reaper or widow just based on the volume of the sound and how far away / direction it was.

Lately I have been getting snuck up on my McCrees, Reapers, Roadhogs, everyone it seems like; and I’m just… Suddenly dead. No jingle jangles, no footsteps, nothing. But then other times I -can- hear them, and I manage to catch them, but only if it’s down an avenue rather than around a corner. From what I’ve noticed it seems to really just be that sound doesn’t travel around corners in the same way anymore.


and the ultimates sounds are really bugged too.

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