Did Dafran just aimbot glitch out?

reading this forum makes me lose brain cells


I litteraly canā€™t believe it

Pretty sure heā€™s just screwing with his viewers

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Lol overwatch TMZ having a blast mocking the pepegas who thought this was real XD


More like he knows how to make content to get views/attention(good for him).


Everybody who thought he was aimbotting, you guys just got smoked on twitter LOL

Bunch of absolute sheep, no wonder no one takes the forums with any relevance


this whole comment section are just silver moira/brig players

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pretty sure he flicked to his lucioā€™s outline, crosshair didnt look like it was on the reaper :neutral_face:

Stop trying to cancel Dafran. Itā€™s not going to happen.

Looks like a joke to me. What aimbot targets your own teammates? :joy:


Wireless mouse latency is now the same as wired in gaming mice. London Spitfire won season 1 with wireless mice.

Wireless mouse that just happens to snap to an enemy through 2 walls.

I believe it.

Idk. I could accidentally do a flick like that. Iā€™ve done stupid stuff like that, just visualizing where the enemy is and then subconsciously acting to flick/click - but not remembering that theyā€™re still behind cover. And knowing how much the dude has been playing, I imagine his precision on those flicks and the subconscious effort heā€™s probably putting into waiting for a Reaper to walk out from cover for the 2kth time with Widow ; this could definitely just be him being over caffeinated.

Dude needs sleep. I think most of us do.

he played in owl during full goats when none of his heroes were meta, and itā€™s dafran he clearly does this at his teammate as a joke LMFAO

It looks to be the case considering someone posted this Forum thread to Twitter and now everybody is having a go at this guy. Some people can be so cruel.

Happy Holidays!

Incredible game sense doesnt allow you to notice or lock on someone through the wall.

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People cheat in athletic sports too. Itā€™s called steroids.

The Overwatch official forum continues to prove it is the least knowledgeable community when it comes to Overwatch.

Dafran was baiting Kephrii, and somehow the forum got fished.


sweet thanks for providing proof to your statement and allowing us to view this proof and make up our own minds, easy enough to call out people, another thing to provide factual proof

He flickshot his teammate. He can literally see him on his screen. Youā€™re seeing his perspective, if you can see the target he shot at, so can he. Why would he have an aimbot that targets teammates?

Why would this be aimbot? Why would he need to aimbot? If he looked at chat and looked back, he couldā€™ve just reacted to the Lucio outline and shot it. The fight was already won, which is when he usually looks at chat. Seems a bit silly to assume this was aimbot, idk.

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