Did anyone get the 5 hours Contenders skin yet?

ty dude, found the diamond, dont know why but I was looking for something colorful, totally did not notice the white diamond lol

Haha, I feel the same way. The thing I remind myself of is that OWL has been struggling a bit lately due to the lack of sponsorships and overall viewership/interest. It’s gotta be just as tough (or worse) for the folks in Contenders. It takes a lot of patience and dedication to get a handful of these rewards, and I’m sure they are also working hard on figuring out what’s happening in the backend.

For what it’s worth, confirmed my Google account is not just “connected,” it also already shows in authorized apps.

I’m trying to watch today’s Overwatch League via the browser instead of YouTube, to see if that helps. However, though it continually says " You are logged in to earn viewership rewards," I have noticed the green dot dropping off at times. It comes back if I reload the page.

Since no one no matter what says they’ve gotten one of the new Contenders skins yet, everything points to a problem on Blizzard’s end of things.

I’ve still have the diamond and it never went away. Last I checked this afternoon I still did not have any drops even though everything was working last week.

Google can access my battlenet id and account, as well as the activity. I have also connected my xbox account and google account, which have already been connected for years now.

Not sure if there is anything else I need to do.

Update: still have none of my drops, and I’ve been watching all day :confused: Can’t wait for it to be “fixed” and yet be given none of the credits I earned by watching the streams.


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Just a heads up, the tokens for the Overwatchleague matches starting 19th does not seem to be dropping either, so the drops system must have a problem now–which also means hours watch previously is more likely to not have counted

Guess what!? NO TOKENS OR SKINS.

I just checked again and neither have unlocked. It’s quite frustrating how often these things break on Blizzard’s end. I checked that the match was live and I had the connected gem periodically through the matches, and i was able to get last month’s skins just fine.

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It’s not just contenders. Two days in a row of OWL tokens just not showing up.

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Well I guess I won’t even check my game then, since others still haven’t gotten those drops yet.

anyone knows if it’s an EU only issue?

I’m NA and I’ve not got drops from anything, so no. More than likely affecting everyone.

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I am NA as well. Amazing that this always becomes an issue.

I wonder why no one at Blizzard can give us a simple answer. It really doesn’t take much to calm the community down. At the moment I’m not sure if I’m wasting my time watching OWL. Is it really such a problem for them to give us even a short answer?

I am not surprised that there are so many negative emotions in the forum because we cannot get simple answers. Even EA or Ubisoft have better support. Even if their responses are stupid or weird, at least they give any information… Blizzard only information that they will be more open and more communicating with the community … Prove it, don’t just tell us about it… ANSWER US!


Maybe we should non-stop comment until Blizzard notices us. Oh wait they will notice there is an issue if the numbers drop from 30,000 to around 3,000.

Kinda funny how Wyoming gets made a proper CM, and the moment he does, no one is around to report & fix OWL drop issues. Like, what’s so illegal about allowing him to still open up internal OWL drop issues?


Tokens still have not dropped for me, nor have any of the contenders skins. Been longer than 24 hours.

Overwatch League is streaming right now on YouTube. There’s a periodic message that comes up in the chat from “Nightbot” which says “We are aware of an issue affecting the Overwatch League Perks system. All viewers with linked accounts who have watched the YouTube Broadcast this weekend will receive their drops by Tuesday 8/23.”

Soooo… hopefully they fix the Contenders skins by 8/23 as well?

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That’s nice. I also saw in another thread someone from the Community Management team is aware of the issue and will look more into in when they go back into the office.

I got the Sigma Skin. Hopefully they fixed it for other people too.