Did anyone get the 5 hours Contenders skin yet?

I’ve now received Sigma as well, so moving in the right direction? But no Moira yet even though I watched the hours for it. Also no new Overwatch League tokens yet…

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I got Sig and Moira from the first day!

My siggy showed up, but no moira. No OWL tokens, either. If the pee wife doesn’t show up within the next day, I’m gunna assume I’ll be forced to watch a few more hours of contenders… Hopefully tokens will be sorted in the next 24-48 hours.

Sigma and Moira skin received, but OWL tokens still nothing.

Probably will need to watch a bit more.

I posted in the other thread, but I also got Sigma, I know I didn’t watch the full 10 hours yet so I knew I wouldn’t have gotten Moira yet.

Glad to see that they fixed it.

Chiming in as well from the other thread. I got both Sigma and Moira skins. No OWL tokens, but as mentioned above, has been slated for a fix by 8/23.

Here’s the full quote from this thread:

Ultimately, I’m a bit surprised the Contenders skin issue got fixed on a Sunday. I figured both issues would be resolved some time tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest, as devs come back from the weekend.


Someone got Moira skin today? I got Sigma two days ago but not Moira and I’m almost sure I got ten hours view time.

I got sigma and Moira when they made the fix. No streaming time today so it confirmed that day 1 had enough time if you got both streams on timely.

not getting moira, i guess now moira is broken lol

Yep. 8+ hours alone worth of contenders, and no Moira for me, either. And NA hasn’t even started yet.

Yeah. Got the Sigma Contenders skin but I have definitely watched over 10 hours now. No sign of Moira’s Contenders skin.

Had more Contenders on earlier today (and now). Definitely over 10 hours as well and still no Moira. Overwatch League tokens from recent OWL viewing also have not updated…

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I receive sigma a few days ago. But still not Moira. Even when I watched like 15 hrs now…

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Still no moira skin after 18+ hours.

I am convinced that I missed the maximum hour to get Moira before yesterday stream. After watching yesterday’s entire stream of overwatch contenders I did not get. I still don’t have tokens… is there any possibility that blizzard will fix this problem in this century?


And guess, this morning drops are not enabled on australian contenders… this is ridiculus.

Edit: after 1h drops were enabled on aussie stream

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I haven’t been receiving OWL tokens, I did receive the Sigma skin for Contenders, but not the Moira skin. I’ve watched all of last week’s EU and NA Contenders, as well as today’s.


Still no Moira skin and no owl tokens. Why is it taking so long ?


I’m sure at this point Blizzard will tell us they have with you have the situation fixed by Friday…

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