Did anyone get the 5 hours Contenders skin yet?

I really dont understand how it works, I made the mistake of watching on the blizzard site. Once I found out the info on the blizz site was wrong and we had to watch youtube I gave that a try, but still nothing. I dont even know if it is connected right because I dont see anything saying I am earning rewards, cant find anywhere to track it either. The system is pretty bad and I doubt blizz has the resources to improve it.

Is your Blizzard account connected on YouTube with the connected diamond symbol showing up on live streams?

That is my fear too even though I doubt they have any OW2 skins ready (I have already got used to d.va always getting stuff last).

The first hour of tokens hasn’t dropped from OWL APAC either. FACEPALM.

HeartStone drop pack don’t work too.

Watched 6 hours of Contenders 2 days ago and watched over an hour of OWL today. Zero drops.

Yep, can confirm. Been 2 hours since OWL started and no drops for OWL tokens, either.

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I thought it was just me. So contenders and OWL aren’t working.

Come on Blizzard, this shouldn’t be too hard.

Far over 24 hours now, no skins yet, they aren’t delayed, they are bugged or forgotten!


Same, no tokens… system totally bugged.

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no skins contenders, no OWL tokens… And still no blizzard information… This is absurd.

Everyone should double-check their Google connection from Blizzard’s end. It looks like with the announcement of cross-progression and console account merging, the connection to Google was removed from Battle.net’s side. YouTube will still say “Connected”, but the Google connection from the Battle.net side would say “Not Connected”. At least, that’s what I just noticed with my account.

You can double-check your connection here: https://account.battle.net/connections

It says it is connected, but I’m not sure where this diamond is, can you give me a bit more info, maybe this is the problem

I double checked my Google connection. It says connected. No drops from Contenders or OWL. And I did watch over 10 hours of Contenders B-Sides.

My Google wasn’t connected but it was in authorized apps. What’s the difference? I went ahead and connected Google anyway - will this cause issues?

Thanks for pointing this out. Otherwise I would’ve probably lost the Moira and Sigma skins this month.

I was corrected in another post that the connection to Google is not necessary, as the connection to YouTube is confirmed through the “Authorized Applications” section from that same page, not the “Connected Accounts”.

That being said, I also have not earned any OWL tokens for any of today’s broadcasts, nor either skin from the Contenders B-Sides broadcast.

You’ll want to confirm that Google is under the “Authorized Applications” section, not the “Connected Accounts” as I just mentioned above. Here is a link to the specific section you should find Google:

The diamond is on the YouTube viewer between the “Dislike” button and the “Share” button on desktop, and between the “Live chat” and “Share” buttons on mobile. If your Battle.net has properly authorized Google, the Diamond icon will say “Connected”, if it’s not, the diamond will say “Rewards”. You can also interact with that button to change between the two.

The difference is that a Connected Account would allow rewards to go to your Blizzard games on Google’s platforms, so if Overwatch were on Stadia, your viewership rewards would go there, along with the rewards you receive for your other connected accounts. The authorized apps are the primarily web-based applications that are allowed to see your battle-tag to target where to send the earned rewards. There should be no issues caused by having both connected.

Do I need to unconnect Google now? Like I asked will this cause issues?

Edit: sorry I see what you said. Now I want to disconnect it though…

No, as I mentioned, all the connection does is associate Blizzard games from Google’s platforms to your Battle.net account (I think the only one currently is Diablo: Immortal via Play Store).

It would not interfere with how awards are earned through viewership, which is solely monitored by authorizing the application.

Edit: saw the shadow edit after I posted this response.

It’s so frustrating to meet these requirements, carve out time to get these streams on - meet the time requirement, and get nothing and have to do it all again.

Putting B sides times in my phone so I don’t miss starts when I should already have this crap. I always breathe a sigh of relief when OWL and Contenders finishes for the year to not have to focus on these things for many months.