Devs: "We're making Brig an actual support"; People who love abusing OP characters: *riot*

Orisa, Hog, Rhien, Widow, Hanzo, McCree, Pharah, Junkrat, S76 (for current live Brigitte.) PTR Brig if the SB damage nerf goes through is just going to get ran over by everyone.

You shot call.
It exists.
If they don’t you and your team are doing something wrong.
This goes for many heroes.

Dude, which are the most controversial heroes ever? Brigitte and mercy! Which category do they play? Support! Blizzard hates support category, nerfs after nerfs. Jeff is committed to increase the level difficulty to his game because of Overwatch league!

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I was talking about right now, not what will happen.

Exactly. So, how are these counters counters when others on your team could take them out.

Is this sarcasm? (20c)

No, it is not. That’s the truth

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I have no idea what you just said.
I could say the same for a good Hog or
Or a Widowmaker
I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

You don’t speak for me. I’m a support main and 100% agree with this nerf.

Players should not have been able to walk into a match and easily counter Heros that pose a much higher mechanical skill requirement to play competently at a similar rank, by simply spending 15min in the practice range practicing bash+melee+whip without having previously even played the hero.


I would never agree with a 90% damage nerf, I’m not even a game design pro and there’s nothing logical about it.


Yes. Since this is a team game, you can’t expect to pick a hero as a counter and that’s an easy win. This is why hard-counters have no place in this game, if that makes sense?

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I honestly think anyone who thinks what you’ve just said is demented.

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I could, yet I think it’s pretty clear what I meant to say. I don’t need to be extremely specific to avoid people nitpicking little things from what I said.

I know what I said and the intent behind my comment. No further clarification needed.

Hard counters do belong

You can’t expect said hero that is countered to be OP then

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I dont understand devs. All of the supports have effective damage depending on what their range. Zen, ana deal good mid and long range damage. Moira and lucio do good damage in close to mid range. Brig was only good in close range damage i get lower the damage of the combo. But now what is brig effective at she sucks at mid and long range damage. Her close range damage without combo is laughable. Yes i know she has shield in close combat but what’s a shield good for when her damage is now the lowest in game just ahead of mercy. Who does like 400 damage a game?

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Hard-counters meaning “there is no option for counter-play against certain heroes”. There should always be an option to at least get out of a sticky situation if you do it well enough. This is not the case.

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Brig and mercy had been nerfed into the ground, why? Because blizzard can’t figure out yet how to balance both healers.

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This doesn’t mean they hate the support category. You honestly think the developers, people who made the game, are biased against supports?

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Anyway the hate for this character has gotten ridiculous. So kudos to you all you got a balanced character nerfed into nothing because of your lack of ability to adapt. Cool beans.

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She’s balanced now that there is an option for counter-play.