Devs, Thank you so much for the ball nerf

Yea lol he really is wrecking ball then vortex of hell ball

we will probably have to wait and see what happens to him on ladders and comp next season. also on overboof and see if his pickrates drop across all ranks except gm

i bet if that happens and if he is performing bad then they will probably give him buffs again. UNLESS they have selected him to be one of those heroes they want to underperform on ladders like mei, symm, rein, bastion, sombra and some other heroes or to become a niche hero

They wouldn’t had done if it this were the case.

Nope. Spin to Win mainly happens in 2CP maps. It does happen in Payload maps as well, where it’s at least as much of a problem, because when the Attackers have almost delivered the Payload the Defender spawn is very close, in contrast to the Attacker spawn, so they again cannot switch to counter a stalling Hammond in the last second.

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Are we really still making the “Blizzard makes no wrong decisions” argument again?

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I see 0 responses to this question.

In this thread there are two opinions repeated:

  • It should be left alone because players should be good enough to counter spin-to-win
  • It should be removed due to overuse of a low effort strategy that has high success in low skill tiers

Since there are no legitimate strategies that involve using grapple for over 6 seconds, and removing excessive stalling in low skill tiers is a net benefit (removes an unintendedly effective, annoying stall tactic and encourages learning better ball play) - I really don’t see any truly objective argument for keeping it as it was.

Here you go. Not a small list.

Too many people who barely have any hours on hammond will dismiss this list, and they will continue to attempt to derail any good faith discussion, but there’s your answer.

Seems like a lot of that list could be addressed by increasing the time from 6 seconds to something higher like 10 or 15 seconds.

However, I’m not a high level player or a Hammond player at all, so maybe it wouldn’t?

Heck I’d say even refund the cool down if you hold it the whole time if that would help with some things on that list. That brief disruption would be enough to keep the low level spin-to-winners from having nearly as much success.

Oof. This is now another example of you making elitist comments… yikes. Now I’m convinced that you & Hausos are friends, the way they defend you after making several comments like this.

Think what you want. You did also defend a rude commenter. Quite possible you two are friends after all, covering for one another. Pretending to represent some sort of moral high ground?

I’m not sure what else you expect me to think. This is now multiple threads of you making clear elitist comments :man_shrugging: I just hope you don’t continue doing it

It isn’t that. I’m just going with what the devs say, AKA that they balance their game mainly around how the game is played by the best players.

Therefore, what the person to whom I replied is claiming cannot be true.

I’m almost certain they’ve never said that.

They describe their balancing as a “triangle” based on internal statistical data, dev intentions, and player feedback.

It’s also demonstrably false, since they’ve made many changes (such as Reaper’s healthsteal nerf) which affected the lower ranks, but not the higher ones.

The quite was that they balance Overwatch mainly around the highest levels of play, while taking all other levels of play also into consideration with each change.

Changes catered towards lower ranked players (such as the rightful Repaer life steal buff), aren’t necessarily out of line with this balance philosophy.

Then that contradicts the argument that they “wouldn’t have done [the nerf]” if it was to cater to people who don’t have aim. Because by your own admission, this is likely one of those changes.

I’m going to miss it, tbh.

Only time it worked was on teams that didn’t pay attention. And i’m the person who would ruin his life when he tried to spin the win.

No more easy wins. ):

Nope, it destroys many high tech plays you don’t know about. Blizzard buffed spin to win about a year ago when they forced an aim assist on grapple that nobody asked for. Before that, attaching grapple to spin to win locations required precise aim cause the anchor points were so small. Blizz changed it so it just auto aimed to that point and anybody could do it. This team has no idea what they’re doing with ball, they’re just ruining him.

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The Hammond change specifically, I hope was made in order to address last - second panic - switches to Hammond by Defenders, which was the main problem by far and one mainly, but not exclusively, present in lower ranks.

I just pointed out that the devs very rarely cater to lower ranks with their changes. And when they do, it’s very justified. For example, you can’t have heroes that are playable in lower ranks but require skill sets to counter that are naturally not present in said skill levels, etc.

Your wording indicated that they would not have done the nerf if it was to cater to people who don’t have aim.

Which, incidentally, is also the problem with your second statement. What do you mean “can’t have heroes that are playable in lower ranks but require skill sets to counter”? That’s literally every character in the game, especially flankers and dive heroes. I’m guessing you used the “playable in lower ranks” phrase to try to exclude skill-intensive characters like Genji or Tracer, but you can’t tell me with a straight face that players who can’t hit a spinning Ball can hit a wall-riding Lucio or a flying Pharah.

Problem is that it’s implemented in a terrible way, because there is no visual indicator showing how much time you have left on the grapple. Also spin2win can be fixed in many other ways that don’t drastically alter the heros playstyle

Yes, thank you for not hoping I had the will or intelligence to switch to Mei, Hog, Brig, Lucio, Ana, Doom, Orisa, Ball, Rein, Sigma, McCree, Sombra, Pharah, Junkrat, Bastion, or Symmetra (16 heroes, literally half of the roster) to deal with one bad Ball mechanic.