Devs nerfing Junkrat before Sojourn AGAIN

If only they would put this much energy and attention to the blatantly obvious OP heroes but alas, nerfing the nonproblematic heroes yet again that aren’t even close to being “strong.” :clown_face:


Yes the devs have certainly never put any Sojourn nerfs through….


we back to hitscanwatch


Wait, did we get a new patch today?

Why would they want to nerf their new characters more? People don’t have skins for them yet so if we make them really strong people will like them and buy the skins.

Junkrat has been out for awhile and everyone has all his good skins already.

Nah, sorry but being killed by a junkrat feels a lot worse that being kill by a soujorn


I think OP is referring to this part of the AMA:

-in which case it’s just a possible nerf in the future and not set in stone.


Seriously? At least with Junkrat, you can see his slow moving shots heading your way and get out of the way. Sojourn rail shot is a hitscan shot with infinite range. You may not even see what eliminated you.


Correct, nothing has been put through to properly address her problematic Rail-Gun.


Guys, you gotta understand, they gotta make her good enough that I can 1v3 bare minimum.

Being real, I hate that they seem to be using aggregate stats for balance. Using all ranks to inform you of where you might need to be careful since something may be a bit too good in xElo if you go y direction is fine, fair, valid. But deciding “We don’t need to change this aspect because it is only oppressive at xElo+” is not great. Their whole balance philosophy feels really inconsistent right now.


no these were questions answered in the devs questions in the AMA yesterday. also Stylosa posted a video with details from the balance with cree getting a rework on his nade, brig getting a rework on her ult, etc etc. its just funny to me how they’re wanting to nerf junkrat before sojourn yet again despite her being S tier still and junkrat mid tier.

what does skins have to do with balancing heroes? this makes no sense at all.

im getting tired of them balancing primarily around lower ranks, it just destroys the competitive integrity and fairness of this game indefinitely. let alone leaving strong op heroes like kiriko and sojourn left alone as theyve been dominating, but giving unnecessary nerfs to heroes that are simply mid tier at best

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The mediocre will always hate the brilliant. Wood tier balance team.


They’re not going to make their new characters weaker because they want to sell more skins.

*If a character is strong and new you will have more people playing that character and are more willing to buy new skins for their new fav character.

I’m not sure how to make that easier to understand.

Edit: Where are the marketing majors to back me up on how this idea is “good business”?

Oh they will once OWL gets rolling and it’s mirror match after mirror match. That is if OWL is still a thing? Not sure, after they lost all their sponsors not sure any team is still around.

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If it was that simple then Genji and Mercy wouldn’t have been nerfed. They might not be new but those two certainly sell skins.


I don’t really have an issue with them keeping lower ranks in mind, but refusing to nerf something because it’s not strong at lower ranks is so weird to me.

Like powershifting Soj to be closer to 76 in terms of her auto-rifle firepower? Fine whatever, but they should’ve hit her railgun in that patch too. Her being a decent sustained ranged DPS with Widow/Hanzo tier burst damage that isn’t hard to build and can be sat on for a decent bit, plus verticle/horizontal mobility and an area denial AoE sticky nade is just fundamentally over the line.

People love those two characters and will play them no matter what. Like you said they are the most popular.

That’s why you see so many Genjis vs Winstons and they never switch.

you are the first person that i have seen say this. With sojourn you cant do anything against it, especially with her ult. when you get killed by a junkrat it can be annoying but there are ways to play around it.

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Wait what was nerfed on junk?

How so? He has one of, if not THE slowest projectile in the game. Pretty easy to see with the trail behind it as well. Thanks to the recent mine nerf, flankrat’s viability went out the window. Now they’re wanting to deal with his spam damage. What else are the Junkrat mains supposed to do? Hope for faster projectiles and turn into a incompetent brawler? Please lay off the mind altering substances, ty.

I am physically unable to facepalm hard enough to this. JQ got nerfed pretty damn hard shortly after her introduction to the roster. Why can’t they nerf Sojourn or Kiriko with the same speed?

Also this (continuing from previous quote.) Underperforming heroes still get skins, and people still buy them. Strength of a hero is irrelevant if the hero in question has a decent/interesting personality and/or story. Though tbf, I guess, Sojourn has the personality of a cardboard box; but decent lore.

They’re wanting to nerf the projectile hitbox after bounces I believe, which nerfs spam a bit.

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