Devs nerfing Junkrat before Sojourn AGAIN

I don’t know you tell me then.

hahahahaha oh god, why are they bending over backwards for people that literally can not even play competitive video games? People with all forms of reduced functions regularly show off how they reach GM, yet these average joes that can not figure junkrat out wants him nerfed and blizzard oblige.


Sojurn is fine. She’s not even as strong as solider 76. She can’t one shot anything with rail gun unless powered up by something. Mei is all around stronger champion and has greater impact on matches, but most players won’t ever acknowledge that.

Players that want to nerf sojurn don’t understand the game at all.

i highly doubt this. they were so quick to nerfing genji when he had some play in the very first season of OW2, whereas sojourn had a nonstop mirror match far more common than him where they gave her slap on the wrist nerfs, on top of COMPENSATION BUFFS LOL.

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I’ve been abusing playing some sojourn lately, and honestly to fix most issues they have with her between her high sr discrepancy and how insane she is with a pocket:

Buff(reduce) spread, slightly lower damage on primary, remove ability to headshot on secondary.

From there, if she’s too weak you can buff up her primary’s damage, her e, or change her in other ways

But nerfing junk is kind of a joke. My mains outside of Echo get countered by him and I still think he’s awful and easy to play around.


Either I’m crazy but haven’t seen much Sojourn lately over Ashe, Cassidy, Widowmaker, Tracer, or the local Hanzo. Starting to see little more Mei lately as well?

now THIS is delusional or copium at its finest


At this point im sure Devs are bronze, thats why they dont see a problem in soujourn but get obliterated by junkrat


I tell you a secret?

Sojourn is not nerfed, because in S4 she will get the mythic skin…it all fits.


Why all this sojourn hate in a junk thread? Has anyone actually looked at the s3 top500? Sojourn is no longer filling every page. Tracer seems to be better than sojourn now and widow is well represented. It seems ppl are stuck in the past where she was a must-pick at GM. This isn’t the case any more. If they want to nerf the top heroes they need to look at tracer, but I’ve heard they don’t do that.

That’s not to say they shouldn’t get rid of sojourn’s right-click crit damage - they definitely should. It wouldn’t make any difference to low ranks as they miss anyway and it would remove another 1-shot-ish thing from the game that should never have been added.

Yep rail gun has certainly seen 0 changes since launch… I swear some people on here just aren’t even trying to hide their bias anymore.

Ok, the biggest change is its Headshot Multiplier going from 2 to 1.5.

But that’s still basically an Insta-Kill, so nothing Note-Worthy changed.

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You gotta show off the new black railgun queen with apex legends slide in overwatch league :smiley:

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“Slow” at leats soujorn have to aim, like cmon most junkrats dont know how most of his bombs hits enemies

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Yeah, they are, in fact, slow and if a Junkrat is “spamming” them, then please tell me that you can at least count to 5.

So if this Junkrat is supposedly not aiming and you’re getting hit by 'em, that means that you aren’t paying attention. Because. They. Are. Slow. And. You. Have. Plenty. Of. Time. To. React.

And if you fail to do that then that is on you. Capiche?

They hit the enemies because the enemy allows them to hit them.

You guys out there really do be letting yourself do the work for Junkrat. End of.


It’s time to admit they don’t know what they’re doing. If you’ve been on the fence, trying to give them a chance… get off.

Sojourn doesn’t needs nerfs. She’s not that good in low level play according to the devs and is an A tier pick in high level play

The bronze rats maybe. You have to learn how to aim his grenades to make headway against the horde of hitscans at higher ranks.


ok? who cares about what low ranks do with her in low ranks. games should be balanced for upper ranks for competitive integrity if anything. not for low ranks, unless you wanna create separate patches for low ranks and upper ranks. lower ranks dont know what to do on many heroes they play on nor can they utilize them to their fullest extent. so why should we balance around players who can’t play the game very well? especially how no matter how much you change a hero, it would very hardly make a difference regardless for lower ranks.

*S tier. She’s still the best dps in the game dude.

All ranks dominated by hitscan, buff soldier and mcree. Junkrat becomes somewhat viable, nerf into the dirt, spit on the corpse.