Devs don't understand how armour works

From the patch notes:

Today’s armour change makes rapid-fire damage stronger. You have nerfed armoured Tanks rather than buffing them.

Eh? Sombra and Tracer got nerfed against armour. DVA, Doom, Hog, Bastion, Reaper, Queen all got nerfed against armour

Nothing they said was wrong there


They nerfed the tanks’ efficiency against themselves xD

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Rapid fire attacks have been nerfed.

Tracer and Sombra’s damage has been cut by 50% against armor, compared to 30% before the patch.


Based on the newest patch notes, each bullet / projectile deals 5 less damage per hit, up to 50% damage reduction. So any attack that deals less than 10 damage per hit will have its actual damage dealt cut in half. Meanwhile, large caliber weapons will hit much harder, like Widow’s Kiss and Hanzo’s arrows.


What am I missing? How is rapid fire stronger now? Isn’t it reduced by 5 per projectile/up to 50% damage reduced vs. Just 30% flat damage reduced?

Burst damage is buffed though. Only 5 damage reduction per shot


No it does not, Tracer does 3 damage now instead of 4.2, that’s a nerf. And it’s the same thing for every shotgun hero/heroes with damage per pellet under 10.



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Well, it is a nerf to armor. I think a very big one.

But, it does make rapid fire weapons like Tracer, D.Va, or Sombra weaker. The problem is that it makes weapons with more damage per shot like Cassidy, Ashe, Hanzo, or Junkrat buffed. And most guns fall into the second category so armored tanks are going to take more damage.


Sure if the damage per projectile is more than 17 if it is less than 17 they are weaker

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Soldier and Bastion definitely got damage buffs, and I’d consider them to be rapid-firing DPS. It’s mainly the smaller ammo types like submachine guns and shotguns that took the bigger hit against armor.

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People fail to realize that high burst dmg shots are associated with much lower rates of fire than their rapid fire counterparts. Too many people focus only on dmg output and not on the full rate of fire.

Hanzo goes from 68 dps against armor to 92 dps. Both are pathetic values of DPS to ever care about. Going from 68 → 92 is a buff, but compared to REAL tank buster heroes its a pathetic number.

You never want to be hitting bodyshots against tanks as ashe, cass, widow, mei, torb, etc. You want to be landing chunky headshots with that lower rate of fire to possibly delete a tank out of its armor ASAP or end its life when it gets low. Avoid any possible counterplay.

However, Blizzard was very smart about this change from before and nerfed headshots which only low / burst fire rate heroes could ever achieve.

The result of the armor AND headshot change is that the low lows of dmg against tanks are improved, but the high highs of dmg against tanks are reduced. The avg DPS against tanks is now more in line across nearly all characters.

A few outliers pop out. SOjourn has a pathetic 130 DPS before armor and now its an abysmal 65 DPS against armor. He railgun already does reduced headshot dmg at most of 1.5x. Now its reduced by a further -25% dmg making her railgun shots against tanks pathetic.

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Hanzo is a real tank buster. Storm arrows is devastating to tanks. Those DPS are for his primary fire, but it’s storm arrows that make him a tank buster just like Bastion is only really a tank buster in turret mode.

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To summarize, ALL of the DPS heroes now do more damage against armor, except for the following, who were nerfed:

  • Reaper (RIP tankbuster lol)
  • Sojourn (fine, whatever)
  • Sombra (why is Sombra shooting the tank?)
  • Tracer (this is fine, also: see Sombra)
  • Torb shotgun (single shot got buffed, he’ll be fine)
  • Bastion turret (meh)

This also nerfs ALL of the tanks against one another, except for:

  • Rein (big damage buff, this is good)
  • Sigma (substantial damage buff… oh God…)

It’s also a big Lifeweaver nerf, becuase you HAVE to nerf LW whenever possible, it’s in the devs hiring contracts.

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Which is an ability. Without that ability he’s a pathetic tank buster. Someone like Echo is a stronger tank burster because she has 151 DPS (which her change after this armor and before are about even; 30% reduced dmg), but she has the massive sticky bomb burst AND 175 DPS laser on <50% hp. Not only this, she copies their very strong ultimates to use against them.

Echo WAY WAY better anti-tank unit than Hanzo. Hanzo having ONE ability for having to burst tanks OR shields (or other defensive option; bubble, graps, breather, defense matrix) gives him options to deal with tanks, but it does not make him a tank buster.

As stated previously, Hanzo doesn’t want to land bodyshot, he wants headshots for beefy dmg on his low fire rate. Well, he gets -25% headshot dmg, so his burst against tanks is now worse.

Blizzard was very smart about this tank change this patch.

I’ve killed the supports, and like… the tank is right there… why not?

Also focus fire… if enough of your team is hosing the tank, YOU should start hosing the tank.

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Yeah, but without an ability Bastion is a pathetic tank buster too. The ability matters.

Echo is flat out one of the best heroes in the game and will probably be meta. She might even end up nerfed.


If you’re doing cleanup, I don’t think it’ll matter that she does a little less against armor.

I wish this worked all of the time… for me, this doesn’t work even 20% of the time. Even if the tank is the closest one to our team, and most likely feeding

True, for cleanup it doesn’t. For focus fire, yeah it will.

Ultimately, I’m not unhappy with the change, even if it does impact the hero I play the most.

I know right? focus fire is the biggest difference between lower and higher ranks. It’s just huge.