Developer Update: Season 11 Changes

Breaking news: Local forum geniuses correctly identify advertising content as PR - more at 11.

Everything on the PlayOverwatch channel is PR. Well done.

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A gamemode to tittle your brain for a week, then more of the same stale S10 gameplay.
A BP with like 60% recolor skins too, which take up legendary skin slots.
Some good emotes, highlight intros, and map reworks is decent.
A rein mythic prism currency weapon.
A few hero buffs probably for Mei/Hanzo.

Once you get your BP done with though itā€™s just an extended S10.
S11 hasnā€™t started yet and Iā€™m already hoping S12 is good and goes back on some of their recent changes that have made the gameplay loops stale.
So thatā€™s about what Iā€™d say to expect mood wise.

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Iā€™ll let you carry the optimism for us both. I hope youā€™re right it was enough.

Well, thanks! Those are your words though, not mine.

If I donā€™t get a trophy alongside this glowing praise, Iā€™ll be forced to take it as sarcasm. :laughing:

Maybe aim it at the forum genius I was replying to instead. What is this beef lol.

Here you go:


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She might have, ML7ā€™s wish for Jetpack Ana has been granted too. Itā€™s very possible she reached out to other high level Support mains to get their thoughts on their hero.

I know Iā€™d do that if I were ever skilled and prominent enough to get the opportunity.

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The thing is, they technically made both. They brought back pink Mercy, and they added a ā€œnewā€ skinā€¦
Except that the new skin is 99% pink Mercy. I think thatā€™s the upsetting part in this story.

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I say the same about Wrecking Ball. Less rodents, the better.

I swear this is like the 5th time they brought back scatter arrows for an event


Rank gold = volume to zero

If you donā€™t care about playerbase growth, then I donā€™t care about your opinion.

And for the most part, neither does Blizzard. Since youā€™re basically asking them to intentionally lose millions of dollars.

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agree, i donā€™t like hammond ingame anymore


old abilities returning and some ugly skins

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Not true. The last time she was meta was OW2 release with Sojā€™s OHKO boosted rail. Before that there was Moth Mercy post-Mass Rez (near 100% pick rate in scrims and high level competitive play).

Tbh all they need to do is bump her healing up a tad (55 ā†’ 60) and decrease the amount of spam damage dealt, particularly explosions and things like Winstonā€™s tesla cannon (Not by much, even converting 5 splash into direct and Winstonā€™s 75dps into 70 would help, buff where necessary)

Mercy can get all the buffs she wants, if she receives appropriate counter weaknesses too.

She is to easy to survive in.
She gets away in most lobbys just existing and most of the time in my games the team not running mercy loses.

I played her mostly in S1/S2 where her movement was even more broken. Since then im disgusted by this hero and I didnā€™t pick her activly since S6. I mostly win with her, and mostly felt bad for the enemy.

Now she just enrage me, same as other hypermobile easy as heroes as Genji, doom and hamster.

Ironically those are also the most insane hero mains, whom all think if their hero is not picked no.1 in every scenario, their baby hero is crap and worse than any other hero, despite still being picked more than any other hero.

And it is not just because of popularity. Pickrate depends on of easy/broken your hero achieves anything with less effort.

True crappy heroes like mei, reaper sym are bottom of the barrel in pickrate and some even winrate now, because you need much more effort to even make them work.

so, 5 mins of nothing? Oh we give you mercy back, WOW? Else? More rigged matchmaking, WOW?

END? Thatā€™s all.

Cheaterwatch2. Please keep ignoring cheaters and focus even more on overpriced skins.

typical ow2 really, or some braindead balance change etc.

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LW doesnā€™t need buffs. Braindead hero that ruins the game.

Youā€™re aware his oblivious act was a joke and baited loads of playersā€¦ Right?

Only two of the four heroes got old abilities back temporarily. Nobody wants Hanzo scatter arrow back permanently. This isnā€™t the first time itā€™s made a brief comeback. Theyā€™re fun abilities for ARCADE. Players (like you) complained bitterly about these abilities in game and how cheap they felt.

These kinda of comments are so like, ā€œI wish Iā€™d lived in NYC in the 70s,ā€ or ā€œwish Iā€™d lived through the roaring 20s,ā€ like please stop.

Iā€™m living through the roaring 20s right now :smirk:

Lifeweaver got a skin and got buffed recently, weird comment.