Developer Update: Season 11 Changes

I’d say they do matter quite a lot.

However, growing the playerbase always takes precedence over generating hype.

Marketing is important.
But Sales is always more important.

It depends on what you’re growing the playerbase with and from.

Because the wrong people can kill your playerbase and your game. And I think I presented a very strong case for why theyre the wrong people.


Also Flats because he ruined my Reaper. Hate that guy!



Lol how did he ruin Reaper? Did he suggest the armor change to tanks?

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I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors after their private dinners. All I know is that Flats was the ONLY content creator crying about Reaper and all of a sudden the Overwatch developers are treating him as if he is on Tracer’s level. Coincidence? I think not.

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I’m just so confused why Reaper out of all the heroes in the game :sob:

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why are they just repeating the same thing we already know and not giving us the patch notes!!

did you just say nerf sojourn? ok we will give the players exactly what they want, a tighter spread and 20 more bullets since she is unreliable in low elo


If now Brigitte is so strong why is Ana/Kiriko most played then? To my understanding high elo players tend to play only the strongest/broken heroes.

Yet another season without workshop updates…

I don’t mean now. I mean a lot of the content creators who went on rants hating on Mercy and Mercy mains were the same ones who did so back when Brig was at her peak, and contributed to the vitriolic environment that resulted in Brig’s VA receiving death threats.

Season 11 brings a host of buffs for many of our heroes across all three roles. In addition to the various hero buffs, Cassidy is trading in the Magnetic Grenade for a new and improved Flashbang that will be sure to slow foes in their tracks

From the Dev article.
There is a patch, they just aren’t revealing it yet.


I’m on my knees hoping they do SOMETHING with hanzo and mei.


Yeah, I also probably wouldn’t tell everyone the horrible news with the good news.

It’s better to hype everyone up and then crush their hopes and dreams right after.

Smart by them :eye::lips::eye:

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The funny blooper was also PR nonsense.

Maybe if they didn’t look to a Lucio main for opinions on Mercy balance. :frog: I wanted to enjoy the Arcade mode but I don’t see Eskay making fun choices for Mercy players when she dislikes them so much.

Skiesti said on Twitter that Eskay consulted her for the Mercy changes and apparently Eskay cooked with them.
It’s not a wash yet.

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celebrating all heroes*

*(unless you are venture and lifeweaver)


Mercy is one of the most popular characters along with kiriko and plus mercy is a doctor incase you forgot

That is interesting. It makes me wonder if she did the same with other prominent mains. If so, Eskay might be the winner of this update.

Last time they did one of these Flats was unironically the winner. I say that with no bias as I hate him as much as he hates Reaper. But the man can cook.

Very interested to try support on this update.