Developer Update: Season 11 Changes

I dunno

Its actually pretty funny to see Eskay behing this after having some interesting exchanges on twiter with Skiesti back in Season 2; because Mercy was So OP that Sojourn was running rampant across the map one shoting everyone in the face

with, and without Damage Boost

But it was Mercy’s mobility what took the L

Even more funnier was again Eskay the day after coming out saying some dumb comment like:
well im not a mercy player, duh, but im sure this gonna work and you all gonna like it. bye

And I don’t remember anyone crying about Lucio needing nerfs just for shifting metas, because he was everywhere in high elo since… pretty much ever?

Yeah, that’s why Eskay has a negative kd on my streamers list

That is not an answer to my question. Are we not gonna listen to loud noises of her healing reduction, rez nerfs or mass rez removal? What does high elo tierlisting has to do with that? Those loud noises during GA nerf is your reasoning that she somehow needs mobility buffs.

Because you keep spamming about Impact, which is almost exclusively refers to “Objectives Capture/Defence Impact”, which in almost every relevant scenarios is measured at a Masters or Higher level.

I’m sorry, are you living under some misguided delusion that low elo players do not want to have impact with their heroes or win the match?

Also again, if you want to make Mercy good for low rank Mercy players, maybe talk to them. Cuz I talk to them constantly and their issue is the same, they heal and people die, they db and people don’t die. Have you ever heard anybody say, Mercy is too slow?

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“Mercy gets nothing, wow what a phenomenal bad season”

Mercy top 3 hero pick in all ranks except GM and amongst the higher winrate heroes of the last month.

Gets generally 2 to 4 skins per seasons, specifically 2 BCRF skins, 1 Lifeguard recolor, 1 weapon skin and some other cosmetics.

You guys are eating good.


I’m saying that it’s demonstrably obvious with queue times issues, that people primarily choose a role based on Fun, not Impact.

So that shouldn’t be much of a stretch, that that also applies to picking a hero.

So glad that, me (a non-mercy player), is being given this wonderful reward (an opportunity to buy the pink mercy skin) for being one of the 100 million players (definitely not counting smurfs). So glad that the community as a whole is represented by Mercy.

At least they put some moderately interesting changes for Reaper in the event this time. Oh wait, it was handled by creators, not the dev team. That explains it.

Impact is part of fun though. Again impact is what gets you to win games. Winning games is fun. When you do something in the game and it had a noticeable impact, you get a sense of achievement. That you interacted with something. Your actions had noticeable consequences. You need to see that you progress in game to enjoy it. That’s why games have objectives or stories or ranking systems to begin with. To give its players a sense of forward momentum/progress.

Why are you making me explain this to you as if you were an alien creature and not a human being?

Low ranks not caring about winning is one of the hottest takes I’ve heard in awhile.

So all this has said is “we do not hear you here is something shiny now go away”


Let’s put it this way.

Mercy should never be meta, unless the devs do a total rehaul of snipers.

So because she cannot have the scale of utility that would allow her to be meta, instead you just give her something that is inherently Fun. I.e. Mobility

The bottomline is that Snipers are the limiting factor there.

Apply that to other heroes who have been meta seasons and seasons.

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Meta doesn’t mean much. Most people on here can’t even figure out what meta is. They think Ana is Meta. Supports can be more than just meta or useless.

Like many of your answers, your solution is also avoiding the question. Lacking a sense of accomplishment in a game is not gonna be solved by continually denying giving it to the players. You can blame snipers or anyhting else you want for the reasons you’re not giving it but the bottom line is mobility isn’t gonna satisfy people who wont be able to use it because they wont pick Mercy because of how inconsequential her presence is.

The way I see it, Top500 players are equally worth it to Blizzard compared to Bronze Nintendo Switch players.

The only only caveat is the “influencer marketing value” for high ELO players.

So if the vast majority of high ELO streamers scream bloody murder about Mercy whenever whatever she’s meta.

Then yeah, that’s objectively a problem.

Because it’s not a logical question.

It’s not possible for all heroes to be meta.
Therefore it shouldn’t be expected that all heroes are meta.

And it only makes sense that the heroes that are meta, should be tierlisted in a way that gives Blizzard the best “Influencer Marketing Value”.

I.e. Don’t ever make heroes like Roadhog or Mercy be meta

my days are certainly off then im stil trying to prepare for season 11 skins

If they release another support with consistent healing like Mercy I’m switching to that hero…

With that said I hope they buff Brigitte’s damage. Right know she can’t out damage Zens orb…

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It’s called, Mercy haters.

The last time Mercy was meta was when she had MASS RES (In OW1).

Can’t say I care what’s in season 11 unless the changes include the words “nerf” and “Sojourn”


she needs to be nerfed even more, that way mercy mains can leave this game

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This is false. Stop living in a bubble.


Yeah, but no.

To be completely honest - the game and community would be better if all the content creators who were screaming about Mercy in ow2 quit and moved on. Objectively. They are the usual suspects and are always scapegoating something, and they also attack the players of who they’re scapegoating.

Let’s not forget the whole Brig situation, these are the same people who stoked the flames then and sat back as their audiences sent death threats around while tacitly endorsing their behavior.

They’re not good people and are dragging the community down because of a mix of their addiction, ego, and need to keep streaming OW or face a hard career swap.

Oh, and they’re all toxic to boot and inspire their fans to do so.

I’m being harsh but rightly so. Their behavior isn’t acceptable but it’s normalized by the community and Blizzard sits by because they view it as free advertising without seeing the harm it’s doing.