Developer Update is now live (VIDEO Included) - Torb Rework, Halloween Event, Future Plans

Am I the only one who is puzzled by the decision to get rid of armor packs? I mean, I get the feast or famine problem, But this basically removes armoring from the game outside of Brig’s ULT… makes me wonder if Hero 29 is going to restore this somehow…

Also, wtf is going on with Pharah???


It’s still used to repair turrets, as dumb as that sounds

Huh, I guess that could work, although in most cases throwing out a new one is probably way more efficient.

Ah well, as long as the hammer stays I guess…

Soooooooo…Zarya confirmed? She would make a fine Junkenstein monster bride.

I have a theory, bare with me.
The next social feature are factions(Talon, OW, BW, Junkers, Shimadas). And each faction is going to get a new character to match them.

Lets be real, less than 1% of the playerbase cares/uses CB mode. Hero balancing is not monumental enough to bother being in a dev update, that should be happening all year round. And wow, there will not be changes to seasonals (guess what, there hasn’t been in about a year) to focus on other stuff? There was no explanation on why the social features have been delayed, they just said it was delayed. No new information nothing. This could have been a forum post.


This was actually pretty underwhelming. Torbjorn now shoots lava, some minor tweaks, colorblind, which is nice but only for 1% of the population, and a delay.

I was hoping for some serious changes, specifically to Brigitte.


He seems really scared to say any of that.
I feel sorry for him.


NO bri re-work!

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no its gonna be me, im already married to roadhog, you see

I just hope they let you use ALL heroes in junkenstein this time. It was kinda a let down last year when you had like 15 characters locked out.


Apologies for not updating the list quickly. I got called AFK for a bit.

In fairness, they might sneak it into the PTR changes? From what it sounded like it might be a process over several PTR versions for characters… I liked the fact McCree was actually mentioned…

While that may be true.
I have a feeling OW team likes the place Bri is in.
And sees no reason for them to do it.
But again, what you said may be true.

They cited technical difficulties. You are widening the goalposts. You said there was nothing other than Torb rework, when there was more.
And you complain about a quality of live update for people with colorblindness?

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I’m happy that they didn’t go on about owl.

And at least they said there won’t be a new game mode instead of not telling us that on summer games.
I’m excited for the balance changes and the rework :grin:

So Daddy Torb is his own Daughter’s Counter?
Is this what happens when your daughter acts up and you need to ground her?


Knowing that there will be nothing new for the Halloween event except cosmetics is kind of a let-down to me. I was really hoping there’d be some diversity to one of my favorite events - just ANYTHING.

At least give us some all heroes modes with infinite waves. I’d be okay with that. But not the same thing over and over. Not trying to be ungrateful, I love their seasonal skins, but there’s only so much a mere skin can do to satisfy the consumer, I suppose. :confused:

Looking foward to the other changes, though. Especially how Torb’s gonna feel to be played/played against once he hits live. Can’t agree Symmetra was such a success. Her primary is terrible. Plus she’s still considered a troll pick and people get reported for playing her. Maybe it’s also that stigma some characters won’t ever get rid of no matter how often they were reworked… Hm.

Now we are in trouble.
Youll have to defend your title, on an armwrestling contest.

Blizzard really likes putting ultimates on E, right? Likely low creativity, because that never changes anything. Or they want to make the sprays and other from the heroes still relevant?

EDIT: Whoopsie-doopsie i’m a moron