Developer post response

People who cry about “power creep” are just people who miss dive. Tracer / Genji were busted during that time, so now since other heroes have been buffed (slightly overbuffed), the crying about power creep has started.


TBH I don’t, I’ve heard they mentioned that QP is important to them when they are doing balance changes but that argument I’ve never heard, but I’m not surprised.

You were doing so well… Until you arrived to this nonsense of a conclusion… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

that is because in gm the people that still play them regularly have deranked or dont play them regularly, the only people who play them are pro players like shadowburn or something going onto comfort picks when the enemy team isnt meta, this dev team is so stupid the 2 of these are just terrible but are 2 of the most fun in the game, they never had some trash cc or anything that was annoying but no now they are useless and trash like mei is meta

Of course youre being punished for not going meta in high elo

This games meta is way to stale to alow diverse picks like Soldier to be viable but that doesnt mean that Soldier is a terrible pick overall
I dont think its a smart move to just buff heroes that arent meta just to make them meta for the sake of being picked in a meta-only environment

please shut up u dont know what u are on about, dva is literally unplayable because sigma is a better version of her, every dps is better than genji and soldier now because they have all been power crept, genji and tracer was not busted especially not genji they were counterable but because they were just ur good dps heroes then a lot of people played them because they are fun, genji is a hero made to dive backline and get some kills and get out or brawl when the opportunity is there, genji cant do any of that now because the backline now does more dps than him while countering him with their kit

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no one said buff them thats the problem, that is power creep, genji atleast was able to be played against meta as long as it wasnt goats as long as u were good at him now its impossible to even play him smurfing against like diamonds playing meta sometimes because the backline is so power crept u cant kill them and the shields make it rlly hard to build blade, soldier is also an awful pick he cant do anything against the shields or rlly any1 in their team because baptiste does more dps than him while having heals immortality and vertical mobility

The majority of “power creep” complains are from Tanks/Supports.

Supports mostly.

Or maybe, just maybe, Genji and Soldier arn’t doing as poorly as the community would imply. Maybe, just maybe they’re balanced and other hero’s, for example, hanzo, are overtuned, which is overshadowing Genji and Soldiers ability to perform. Balanced hero’s will always look bad next to broken hero’s.

He’s not wrong, People just want Genji/Soldier to run over everyone and be powerful.

So genji and soldier who were decent picks then (Genji wasnt even that good when Dive was a thing) Who are in their most powerful state ever, are throw picks

And you think powercreep is a weak excuse? Its the main reason this game is unbalanced, what a joke.

The only hero I’ve ever seen people say pickrate doesn’t mean anything is Brig lol. Seems like people pick and choose when winrate matters without pickrate.

He made Sigma. He definitely doesnt know what hes doing lol and if he does hes probably something like gold or plat LMAO

If you really think the people are picking genji and soldier because it gives them the best chance of winning, then you are deluded. Hell, half of the soldier picks probably go to Ezire lol

So what you’re saying is that only people good at those heroes can play those heroes at higher ranks?

I’m sorry, but anyone who designed Sigma and thought “this is balanced” is not someone I’d want to work on the game or can take seriously.

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ahahahaha. He said they had average win rate so they were balanced? Did he also think Torb was broken because he had a higher wr? The idea that someone like that is partly responsible for anything to do with balance is a professional embarrassment.

It’s basic level math. If Soldier is picked 10 times, and wins 3, he has a 30% win rate. If Mei is picked 90 times, and Mei is on the winning team 30 times, she has a 30% win rate right?
Well, what if of those 90 games, 40 of them had Mei mirror matches, are both Mei and Soldier actually even?
Of course not.
And if you completely remove mirror matches from the sample altogether, then you are explicitly trying to inflate your numbers to give the idea that “everything is fine”.

This is why bringing up Winrate blew up in their faces. We can’t just throw numbers out there, when the numbers hold no weight.

Not necessarily. I’ve seen a few threads pop up over the years explaining how sampling/statistics/populations/etc work.

Ill be playing Dps moira tomorrow unless I get a competent team

coming from the one who claims they main x hero all the time just so he can say they need nerfs etc, ok dude.