Dev Team acceptance of 1Tricks, and no 2-2-2, strangled the game

Role queue solves this though, and they refuse to make it. With role queue you HOPEFULLY would end up with way more games where everyone is playing what they WANT to be playing, without the 6 DPS games ever being there again.

I don’t think role queue would solve this. It would still demand 67% of playtime being not on dps.

Unless tank and support players are expected to get through three times as many games as dps players per unit time. Which is still an awful solution compared to just tuning the game differently.

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Just like in an MMO, there would be way more DPS than tanks and healers, granted…and just like in an MMO, it tends to make more players play tank and healers because they know its a faster queue.

It would solve it massively…not totally, there would likely still be some people who queue as a healer and don’t wanna heal and just did it to get into a game…but I doubt that would be the majority of players, but there are always trolls in the system and there is no way to 100% avoid them.

Right now we have a system that says “Play anything without any repercussions!” and its created a terrible gameplay environment.

I suppose it would be an improvement, but still worse than just tuning the game differently?

Tune it differently how? If you make 6 DPS viable to win games, then why would you ever play anything else? That game needs proper structure to remain a TEAM GAME, otherwise its basically Call of Duty.

You said it:

You are assuming that.
You are also dragging down the team by how you treat the Genji player.

Tune it such that 4-1-1 is sensible and fun, because that’s approximately what the community wants to play.

Basically, imagine if your typical quickplay team was made fun. That wouldn’t be COD, that’d just be fun.

As jeff talked about in a post earlier today, 4-1-1 isn’t viable, as the tank would be focused easily, then the healer, then you lose.

It would require making the tank VERY hard to kill, which then requires nerfing the tank damage so much people don’t wanna play tank anymore, etc.

Balance the game around 2-2-2, and make healers and tanks fun enough to play that people select them, THAT is the answer.


But 2-2-2 is already the way many (maybe most) games are played. Only when the team is steered away from that comp do you see the toxicity start to flow. And it is sometimes just one or two people who ruin it. 2-2-2 is the best way the game is played and even within that there are many ways to create different and creative comps.


What’s wrong with it?

Are you sure that the issues it solves aren’t actually a major concern for a majority of the player base rather than just a particularly vocal subset of the forums?

Even if people do leave at the first loss (more of a player problem than anything), if this supposed hatred for one tricks/private profiles was as prolific as the forums would suggest, wouldn’t it be mere moments before your group got refilled?

He said “due to the way the game is tuned”. That implies the game can be tuned differently. We’re not game designers, and we can’t really speculate as to how they can do that very helpfully. All I’m saying is that the conclusion they came to is nonsensical (to do nothing, after observing the game most of us have to play in isn’t fun even for them). A role queue would help, but if they have it in their power to just make the game work, that’d be preferable.

Lol, that’s one person’s experience.
It’s not the end all be all.
I’ve played plenty of 4-1-1 games and they’ve been perfectly fine.

Can you please post where he said 4-1-1 wasn’t viable?

I just told you how it would have to be tuned, the tank would need to be very hard to focus down…thats really it, and doing that would also require removing a lot of their damage. It would turn it into a “meat shield” class and people don’t tend to enjoy feeling like a helpless target.

You just told me your personal speculation as to a route to accomplish it.

You and I aren’t game designers though.

I would have just told them “Tell that to Stevoo” because they clearly aren’t going to change their opinion of something that’s not as big of an issue as they like to make it out to be.

I’ve never really understood why people would want someone that’s reached X rank to change off a hero that they reached it with and play something that they have almost no experience with…


I dont treat them any differently than I normally would. They get heals, till they face roll into unhealable damage, and then they die.

I dont yell, cry, scream, or do anything to that player. I simply let the game run its course, take the L, and report them.

When you play “Competitive” mode in a game, it implies that you’re playing it to compete. To win, first and foremost.

That is the primary distinction between playing a game casually and playing it competitively.

And here I thought people played DPS because they wanted to win.

When I’m in a game and hear one person yell “You suck, let me DPS”, it’s not because they wanted to play DPS “for fun”. It’s because they felt they were going to lose if they didn’t play DPS.

Yes, there are times when I’ve seen people switch to a character strictly for fun, but it’s because they’ve accepted the loss. Usually it’s a comment like, “Well this game is an L anyway, so I might as well play X”.

Or, just maybe, lfg was created specifically for people that wanted 2-2-2 or other secific comps, but refuse to use the tool for whatever reason.

2-2-2 has no place competitive. Maybe a 1-1-1-3, but nothing more restrictive. There are more problems that competitive needs to fix before nothing with forced role queue.

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This is my thought. You want the GM Roadhog one-trick/main to switch to his Diamond DVa???
