Dev Team acceptance of 1Tricks, and no 2-2-2, strangled the game

I mean you’re neglecting the fact that people don’t play with the Sym and do the other thing that I said.
A lot of Sym do their job really well but just end up losing and being blamed because her teammates did not want a Sym and decided to just cut her off.


Uhhh whats the assumption here? That they really want to win, but only if their ‘perfect profile’ of just Genji is maintained?

What do I care about their motivations? Get off of Genji and quit dragging down the team.

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Yeah. it is such a waste having bunch of ppl maining the same hero in one team. Someone out there is lacking a healer in their team but you somehow ended up with only support mains.

It is just a lose/lose situation for everyone and it needs to be changed.

I once, when I was still torturing myself in comp, ended up on a team with 4 lucio mains, I was one.

Spoilers: We lost. :smiley:

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Oh ok… word choice. A lot isn’t rampant gotcha. You are a glass half full kind of guy.

You keep trying to be positive, it won’t actually do anything for you or this game at this point I’m sorry dude but your wasting your energy trying to salvage something that isn’t caring at all back to you the same energy you put into it.

I am very sorry for you for I too used to have more hope as many did on these forums and in the game itself.

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Can someone explain to me how Jeff said this…

But doesn’t understand that this is what the game has devolved into many of the time? Especially in QP?

So Jeff understands this isn’t fun and it didn’t work… but this is what the game usually is…

Like Jeff can understand 100% and not understand 100% at the same time what Overwatch is having to face on a daily basis. Like we live in alternate realities or something.


I do find it funny, that he’s essentially saying ‘that mode you all play all the time in pick up games? with the 4 dps? Yeah we tried it, and it sucks.’.


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I just… I can’t understand how he knows what flat out does not work and isn’t fun but doesn’t comprehend this is what people see every day of Overwatch for over a year easily!

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That is t failure, that is emergent design based on player interaction with given systems.

This happens all the time in many games in various ways depending on the game.

Devs may have an intention of players playing a particular way, players however have a knack of doing the unexpected.

You seem to think that by not stingently enforcing expected design into players was bad for the game. That in some manner “one tricking” has Negatively impacted the game as a whole for thee entire player base.

The devs have a different perspective. One based on meta data that you don’t have.

From a business standpoint, this game is an overwhelming success. Earning back the ROI of not only the production of the current game ,but the production of their initial attempt at an MMO.

Investment into the game continues. Which means it continues to not only have current value, but that the value is at least sustainable, if not, has room for future growth.

If the game was so ruined, none of that would be happening, and the devs would most likely have made different design decisions based on the emergent way players have played it.

Uhh have you seen the state of the game the last year+? With radio silence?

Hell, get the man on twitter, then you can see him get bashed.

Hey I appreciate that Jeff came out and said something. I now fully understand why things are the way they are in this game… don’t you?

This should be eye opening for the devs too. Seems like a good idea even if they speak horribly silly things to comprehend some of their mistakes.

Should we… not be upset about this? How would that help guide anything? Should I have just said “thanks for your insight keep up the good work!” I mean what are you suggesting we do here instead? Participation ribbon for finally talking to people even if it’s crazy?

I appreciate this response, and you are right that its still very likely making them hand over fist, but that does not mean that for a segment of the community that has withered a great deal, there is not a better way.

Have you played much quickplay?

2-2-2 isn’t what players want to play, it was just the meta. FAR more people want to play dps than the game allows, and players are frequently sacrificing their own enjoyment for the sake of winning.


Jeff said 4 DPS doesn’t work and isn’t fun.

He isn’t wrong either.

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Yeah “because of the way the game is tuned”.

Why then is the solution to enforce the meta that people don’t instinctively want to play rather than tuning it differently?

It just makes no sense.


Because it’s a better game?

it’s easier to enforce the “meta” I guess if we use that term here rather than design the entire game around what people want.

Either way people lose if they change it in either direction (per opinions) or keep the game the way it is now, which is broken.

The whole game is a pickle essentially.

Explain to me how making the players choose between having fun and winning make the game better?

Or, if you’re one of the people who does want to play a supportive role 67% of the time, tell me how having half your team choose to enjoy themselves at the expense of your enjoyment and chances of winning improve the game for you?

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So, the answer is just that the developers don’t know how to make the game work? This is just like when they said that movement acceleration couldn’t be put in because they’d have to rebalance hitscan heroes. Like ???. The developers don’t want to improve their game because then they’d have to balance some imbalanced heroes??

And, I fail to see how aligning the game with what people want to play hurts anyone.

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Winning improves the game for me.

Having the game provide some sense to balance around, (see: Dropping No Limits) improves the game for me.

Adding a few more hand rails for a community that hasnt gotten it yet, such as role q, and 2-2-2, improves the game, just as dropping No Limits did.