#DeleteBrig and Seagull's rant are the same


For those of you who haven’t seen it.

Most people have noticed a sharp increase of missing satisfaction from the game since brig’s release:


DSPstanky: https://clips.twitch.tv/ThoughtfulSpineyTeaPastaThat

Summit1G played OW for a bit, he has since left.

Moonmoon never publicly announced why he left OW, but we all know around the time he quit.

Out of the 150~ youtube channels that used to cover OW, now there are about 20.

Most of the Current pros have been recognizing this, and that’s why many of them fell under the #DeleteBrig movement, because for them thats when the game started the downhill slope, much like many of us.

While deleting Brig wasn’t the best way to express all their ideas and concerns, its without a doubt all about the same ideals. While many want to throw blame on OWL and many other things, its just been most things since the game came out.

I myself have found enjoyment in small developmental leagues and being a coach in one of those leagues, but the toxic, the cancer, the poor taste of the game is starting to seep into those too.

I’ve wanted to quit before and have tried but to no success, I was addicted to oldverwatch, this game is different than it was. But when I do feel good about a game, its cause I got all the oldverwatch vibes, the times where I pulled out my first dragonblade, or when I first got a headshot on widow.

The point is the game is on a decline, while some think that it is cause OWL, or a certain hero or ability, or even a bunch of bad skins.

Your all wrong, because its all of them.



Hard counters are not for Overwatch


Some could argue that they were already there, but I’d personally disagree.

I don’t think there were any actual hard counters until recently with heroes with more CC like sombra, doomfist and brig


Great example
On paper as soon as the enemy swapped to hitscan you need to swap off Pharah but in the actual game Pharah can play around the hitscan

Ok how about Winston vs Symmetra?

Well… Symmetra sucked vs everything

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But doesn’t hard counters fit in the rock-paper-scissor concept of this game?

A hard counter has the advantage over the other player and the other player should switch hero to counter his counter. This was one of Overwatch’s selling points. The ability to switch and counter.


There are still ways to play around that.

Sym can use here TP to get away, and even set traps and bait a winston into a trap. Winston can kill her turrets but not as effectively as he used to.

Its wasn’t rock paper scissors
If you were an extremely good Tracer you could outplay your counters
Same with Winston
Same with Ana
Same with Widowmaker

With the addition of Brig, Sombra, and Doomfist you now have hard counters
Top500 tracer?
High master Brig can counter that
Top500 Zenyatta?
Sombra can force a swap
Top500 Genji?
Doomfist and Brig

Those three heroes are the center of the issue


That’s true.
Even hard counters offer some counterplay.

Brigitte is Tracer’s very first hard counter and even then can Tracer use her mobility to play around Brigitte.


hard counter exist since the release of the game. See Reaper/Pharah.
But nobody seems to care about that match up and how Reaper has been trash ever since the release of the game anyway.

Were talking about the old OW here. All I’m saying is that there have always been at least one hardcounter pair in the game. Nothing more.

But the Tracers effect on the game is so greatly diminished theres no reason to ever run Tracer unless they don’t play Brig.

Pharah doesn’t completely nullify Reapers value, it just means he has 1 less target.


Not a hard counter, its very possible to kill Pharah with reaper, either use cover with low hanging roofs, use your E to get to high ground closer to her or even just slowly kill her with poke.

This is what I Define as a hard counter, a hero that completely or almost completely null’s the value that another hero can make.

imo its not brig its the game itself its stale the consistent nerfs in the game and the state of the game with no real content besides skins and new heros. but imo its really just the people that where here for the fun(you know to play games and enjoy there hero in qp,arcade) don’t want to play a game where people just cry nerf for any and every hero! all of this breeds toxic behavior.i dont think OWL is really to blame either i think that is just some people try to push competitiveness into other parts of the game like arcade,qp. nerfs are needed for Very op stuff then yes but the problem with most nerfs it because people cry about something and then we get heros like roadhog gets put down to throw pick status(i know hes better now).The game has lost it fun for most people. when most people see this type of environment in a game they will simply walk away. the game can be fun i know it can but the community and devs just have to do better.

No, the concept was to use skill, synergy, and teamwork to overcome that. RPS boils down to getting lucky by picking the right comp when you leave spawn and having the ult advantage carry you through at least half the map.

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