Delete this please..pls

you obviously dont know what overtrack does…

just leave it at this point is my advice to you…


I see them as not very open on certain stuff always sticking to the rules or trying to please a specific individual so they can be notice.

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Edited. Read the rest.

That isn’t the point though. The point is that it isn’t built into the game. That’s the only way to guarantee equal access. Having to sign up for it and download things outside of the game means not everybody is going to do it or even be aware of its existence.

That’s where my argument comes from. It’s either in the game by default or it’s outside help. Outside help is cheating. If I boot up a single player game and then look up strategies on GameFAQs, I’m also cheating the intended rules of that game.

I mean… If memory serves, Blizzard has actually stated that the reason Overwatch doesn’t support 21:9 resolution monitors is because it’d give players a larger FOV. Soo… Blizzard does what it can to put people on a level playing field, regardless of what you buy, they just try to find a common middle ground.


Free tip for visor developers: capture the game window by allowed app like obs, then scan images from preview window of this app by visor. No more “cheat” programms near the game, only obs :smiley:

It is easier to call everything hacks than develop good statistics svia tab, right? Oh wait! Then it will be easy to see who is actually sucк in the current game and the witch hunt will be started!

Btw, visor may work on ps4 via remote play. Just ez


For the last time, I am going to explain this carefully, and in bold, so please follow:

It is not outside help; Pursuit only provides information a full 10 minutes after the match is completed, and even then it’s only tips such as “don’t get killed” and “kill more”. It cannot interact with you in-game. You cannot use it for anything in-game. It provides nothing of value or invalue during the game; it is a non-factor during game. Your Antispyware scanner provides more interaction with OW than Pursuit does.


Also, are disadvantages covered in the end of license agreement? I thought it was just unfair advantages. XoX

What about frame rate though? Shouldn’t it be locked to 60 FPS? Higher frame rates give less input latency. So wouldn’t it only make sense to lock things so players are matched there too?


“For example, a third-party application that offers users information such as enemy position, enemy health, enemy ability usage, or Ultimate readiness creates an uneven playing field for every other player in the map.”

That’s an ineffective example if your post was intended to address Pursuit, because it literally does none of those things. It’s only useful after a game is over, not during. If you could address this clearly instead of in PR language, that would be great.


Answer this question.

Does it provide insights that are intended to improve your game with advice from professional coaches that are personalized for every match?
If so, it is quite literally outside help.

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Continuing the discussion from Unauthorized Third-party Software:

Can someone clarify what I bolded above? Does this mean that player’s account (meaning he could simply then go buy another copy of overwatch) or is that player’s account + IP + associated accounts are permabanned?

I personally vouch for the latter

Assuming that they believe it is a cheat, I think it’s an I.P ban. That being said, I’m not sure.

It would indeed not be cheating if everyone had equal access to it. That’s what this whole thing comes down to. A true competitive challenge has to ensure equality of everything except for player skill/ability. This might be an impossibility, but that doesn’t invalidate the argument.

Whether or not post-match analytics are effective to X degree is not the argument. Either everyone has equal access or you have an uneven playing field which goes against the intended nature of true competition.

That is why my argument is not against the concept of post-match analytics. My argument is against the idea of some players having/using it and others not. If Blizzard buys out Visor and gives it to everyone in the game by default, then Visor is not cheating.


I’m sorry, but that’s such a terrible comparison.


They are not personalized from professional coaches; it’s merely amalgamating what you did in that match and comparing it to averages set in-game for the season and for your rank and the rank you want to reach, then giving advise based on if you were killed too much or not killing enough. It’s basically just the same 2 advise over and over again. No one professionally is writing this, it’s just tips spat out by a machine that doesn’t even know where you died, why, what you did wrong, etc. It can’t coach you, it’s just “git gud” written a bit better.

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He was arguing strawmans anyway. :man_shrugging:


Let me just stop you right there. I copied and pasted everything from their website.

I should have clarified, but I was talking about Pursuit, which sounds like it is nothing more than an “AI-VOD-review”. And anyone can have access to someone or something helping them out post-match. If nothing is wrong with VOD-reviews, then nothing is wrong with a program which gives some data post match.


Buddy… do you think professional coaches are just sitting down, in real time, 24/7, and writing advice to me whenever I complete a match? :man_facepalming: They got advice for the advice mechanism, they’re not sitting around hyped up on caffeine devoting their life to this like a call-center or the pods in the Matrix movie. Bruh.

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