Delete this please..pls

nope… it still is not a cheat.

and they have banned players for using OVERTRACK once and REVERTED the ban… hence it means ITS NOT A CHEAT per se…

and EVERYONE can get the app… its not even being locked behind a paywall or something special.

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If a member of the staff agrees with him and sets the official rule/tone…yes, it absolutely matters if they agree with him :roll_eyes:

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So having half a second of input delay and playing 10 fps vs 240 fps on a high refresh rate isn’t an advantage?


Cool. Just think this argument is pointless since Tom already clarified for you. You’re just unnecessarily disagreeing with him.

But if someone lags due to having a poorer card, that’s an advantage someone with a better card has! What about ISPs, Internet connections? Please, tell us Arceus from OW Team, we must know! :pray:


Ok, so seeing stats for how much damage I blocked per 10 minutes after a match is done gives me a better competitive advantage than me getting 144 fps compared to the person running 20fps on a potato?


yea playing with 30fps and with 200… totally no difference.


You lied. You said they agree with you, but where’s the like saying Blizzard’s name? It’s most likely you personally agree with them no matter how wrong they are regardless of their policies.

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Except it is when everyone doesn’t have equal access to it.

Again, this is not about EFFECTIVENESS, it’s about EQUAL ACCESS. Any game condition without equality is uneven and whoever gains the advantage due to uneven playing fields is the cheater. It’s also not about maliciousness. The entire argument some of us are making in this thread is about things being EVEN.

Whether or not something as simple as a scoreboard made you win your next game or not is not relevant. It’s that you had access to it and your opponents may not have used it because Blizzard has not implemented it into THEIR OWN GAME, which means they have SOME REASON, no matter how small, but they have SOME REASON to justify not having it in the game. When you go outside the game’s rules to acquire this, you’re technically cheating the system.

I highly doubt a post game scoreboard makes much of a difference, but the point is equal access. Maybe you learned something unique from post-game statistics and improved your gameplan because of it…ok, great, but your opponent(s) lacked that opportunity.

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I’m so glad they finally banned Visor. I suspect Pursuit would’ve continued to fly under the radar if Visor hadn’t introduced blatant cheating, but once that happened it was probably best just to crack down on third party apps altogether to prevent something like Visor from happening again…

“Where are my people going? I must follow them and find out where they’re headed, so I may lead them there!” describes this guy’s mindset pretty much.

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I don’t see how it changes anything though. That doesn’t excuse or permit players here.

I mean, yeah, it’s a disadvantage but you brought that on yourself and it isn’t giving you an advantage. As far as I know, disadvantages aren’t covered in the end of licence agreement. If it is, apologies.

I don’t even think disadvantages are covered in the end of user license.

Even if you don’t agree, it doesn’t matter. Blizz thinks it’s a cheat. We can’t do much about that, can we?

yea and everyone has equal access to it… no one is stopping them from signing up to a POST MATCH SCOREBOARD…


yea… but your arguments are just not rational.


Blizz could easily sponsor Pursuit tomorrow and get a quarter of the playerbase signed up by the end of the month. They just don’t want to, and it’s easier to just say “no” and not give a real reason why beyond “it’s the rules, which coincidentally we also wrote, but won’t explain”.


Yes, it is, these things create uneven playing fields. That is why professional level gaming doesn’t force people to bring their own PCs, everything has to be equal. That is why professional level Street Fighter has to be done in person, to negate the potential for internet lag to have any influence in the fights.

These things might seem small to you, but that is why pro gaming at the most elite level removes these variables from competition.


I mean, you compared two applications. What is stopping me from saying that the two are different? Also, the EeveeA thing was when? They could’ve changed their stance on the matter since then.

You can all state how incompatible with any arbitrary rules this is (which it very well might be, but rules can also be stupid), but a system that gives you insight into anything POST-MATCH is not cheating. Or else Blizzard would have already taken a hard stance against VOD-reviews of any kind. But no one has a problem with those, because telling someone that it’s cheating to improve their performance after a game with some help is ridiculous.

You having better hardware to play your game with more FPS, more buttons, technology for macros etc. is more “cheating” than someone or something helping you get better with footage AFTER a game.


I personally didn’t view Visor as a huge problem or outright cheating, but also didn’t use it and am simply glad that there is now a clear statement from Blizzard on the subject.