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Since I can’t include links here’s a copy/paste from the official Pursuit discord server: “James (cahoodle)Yesterday at 4:24 PM
@everyone We were made aware today that some users received a warning email from Blizzard about using 3rd party applications. This definitely caught us off guard as our partnerships with OWL and World Cup teams involved Blizzard approval. We are reaching out to our contacts right now to better understand the situation. We will keep everyone updated here.”
I turned off the tips, I used it to aggregate my stats. But there’s stats in game and then places like overbuff and the like so it’s less necessary.
Still it’s good that they didn’t just mass-ban people without warning
I sincerely doubt a community manager has anything to say regarding what is and what isn’t allowed. Why don’t you grab one of the top OW dudes instead. Their word is far more trustworthy.
preferably not one from the balancing team though as those guys have no idea what they are doing.
Do you think they just come here and troll people because of fun?
Do you think that all the emails and the posts her would be allowed to stay without any action taken when it all was just a troll of a community manager?
Obviosly he is here to inform us of what was decided by the one that do have something to say he doesn’t came up with it on his own and just decided it.
Pursuit have the option to stream the content on live or wait until match end to upload the file.
a third-party application that offers users information such as enemy position, enemy health, enemy ability usage, or Ultimate readiness creates an uneven playing field for every other player in the map.
Based on that, pursuit will be allowed since it’s only a record of you match and analytics for be better.
It doesn’t have to include those examples. It’s a 3rd party app that offers users information. He uses ‘such as’
Exactly but while it is a 3rd party app it’s only gives you information about yourself and your performance, not about the enemy team.
Just put the link in your post, highlight it and click the </> option
Then people can just cut and paste.
As to the meat of your post it’s not going to get anywhere. Blizzard really does not like petitions, which is why they aren’t allowed on their forums.
Honestly, coming here and letting your voice be heard regardless of how little it’s looked at by anyone in power is taking a stance against them for making knee-jerk decisions.
I honestly have been happy that if nothing else Blizzard Dev’s MAY get notice that their players are NOT OK with the Pursuit situation. Also that we are aware of their backhanded dealings apparent here with their handling of an OW Esports sponsor.
The percentage of the playerbase that posts or reads the forums is negligible at best and is not even remotely close to a consensus of anything.
I kept saying, it’s cheating, everyone says “weh, weh, not cheating”
Perhaps, but it is one of our only means of communication with them in regards to OW. Players in WoW can unsub, we don’t have that option.
Also you’re not going to stop a vast majority from throwing money at their screen every time a new skins or emote or whatever shows up, even if it was for a good cause to abstain.

I kept saying, it’s cheating, everyone says “weh, weh, not cheating”
I guess every single sports team for the last 40 years has been cheating. Stat tracking is not cheating, pursuit is fine. Visor I can understand. Pursuit not at all.
It’s still not cheating, it’s not allowed tho
It has the option of automatically uploading (which it will then do during the match) or manually uploading (which can be done at any time).
It doesn’t really matter that you can disable automatic uploads, since it still has the capability to do it during the match.
And afaik, there is no client side code to identify match end, so it would be impossible to only upload after the match.

And afaik, there is no client side code to identify match end, so it would be impossible to only upload after the match.
There’s two possible methods it could use to determine if a match has ended. Either the client is able to use the same OCR reading technology (or a very slimmed version of it) that can recognize the end-game background and that way determine that the match has ended.
Or it just use the API blizzard have available to the public in order to determine that, this would be my guess.
Well, I looked at the source code for the client yesterday (it’s open, on github) and didn’t stumble across anything.
And there’s no public API telling you when a match has ended. Unless you mean looking at the player profile on playoverwatch to see if games played have increased, but that’s only updated when you exit the game.
Guys, since they fail to see how Pursuit works and how it isn’t unfair, simply do this: Play OW as you normally would and record various gameplays. Close OW, install Pursuit, upload gameplay videos, get analysis. Then uninstall Pursuit. Profit.
Might be annoying, but would simply work.