Delete Supports and Tanks in OW2

im a fan of the 5v5 but tank Role seems abit weird. Dont get me wrong i can totaly see Dva, wrecking ball, Winston, Sigma, Orissa work as a Tank but i dont understand how Reinhart can work.

Due to the reason Reinhart needs to close that gap diststance, same also for brig after all they are meele heroes for any other hero im competly fine and not stressed about it but those 2 heroes i have no idea how they gonna make them work but remaining hopefull

Pov ow1 where tanks and supports mattered more than DPS is flipped and we also have barely any actual knowledge of the game with Dev comments saying things like the 25% in combat heal reduciton is “unlikely to make it to live” so you decide to go “omg it’s 5 DPS”

man, it’s scary.

Maybe because OW was at its peak when they had a balance of Moba and Shooter and it started declining when they started to catering more to shooter side.


-1 tank = less damage.

Thats basically it.
And you know whats the fun part? I guarantee 99% of the complainers will still play the game when it gets released and they will see its not that bad.

After 6 months maybe like 20% will leave but thats normal so yeah, its all overexaggerations.


-1 tank = lesser damage absorption, lesser damage mitigation, lesser team health pool overall


lol you think Moira’s should have Zenyatta’s undiscorded damage without the same aim requirement.

Don’t think you understood what “meet the standard of shooter” means, but it isn’t just damage output.

Or we could not. I will be playing all 3 roles in OW2.

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Can I get an airhorn for this guy? SHEESH! Speaking facts my dawg.

OW2 and COD couldn’t be further apart, regardless of how out of context people want to take Space’s comment, or totally ignore the meaning he had behind it. Tanks and supports will still offer things DPS wish they could bring to the table, and even though DPS look to be very strong in OW2, tanks & supports will undoubtedly still provide immense value to their team. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, all this doom & gloom is for naught. OW2 is going to be a blast & I can’t wait. People are giving themselves high blood pressure for little to no reason, as we’ve seen nothing but pre-alpha builds which were specifically stated to be works in progress (so much of a work in progress that entire hero reworks are still happening and balance is nowhere close to finalized)

Careful, you’re not allowed to criticize other peoples comments around here

This isn’t true…

OW’s peak was before OW started leaning more towards MOBA-esque gameplay. OW’s peak was before the addition of Brigitte, which subsequently followed with a zero DPS meta, the least FPS gameplay we’ve ever had.

There are countless videos talking about the decline of Overwatch & how it started with Brigitte/Goats, which is the opposite of shooter


how much dmg does a hog or dva or ball or zarya actually mitigate compared to the dmg they deal?

what the zarya average? 20k+dmg to 4000-6000 absorbed? that is 16k less dmg.

even a meh rien will double the damage, blocked in dmg

Hog? like just while taking a breather?

Ball? adaptive shield vs dmg done?

D’va is in zarya’s boat.

Orisa is the only real tank that has a positive shielding and as far as we know she getting reworked.

Everyone is just afraid they won’t be able to cry at the off-tank to babysit them, leaving the MT to fight 2tanks+, when they should have been learning to protect themselves this whole time.

EDIT; i forgot monkey… sry monkey…

When was peak Overwatch?

I don’t mean just for you but the game in general.

Well this isnt true either,

Even before brig rein and the other tanks felt like actual tanks.

Before goats ever happen thats when the Moba element was still around and that was peak OW goats and everything afterwards was the start of the downfall instead of implementing 222 earlier they nuke tanks and supports while buffing dps then they had the brilliant idead of adding 222 but not fixing the nerfs for goats leaving a mess of a balance!


What do you mean?

It is inarguable that the downfall of OW began with Brigitte (a hero that I love) and Goats (an anti-DPS meta that lasted for a long time). That’s the time period that the vast majority of players left the game. By the time 2-2-2 came out which officially killed Goats the vast majority of players had already quit the game.

Saying that the more OW became FPS oriented the more it died ignores that the majority of the playerbase left at the height of OW’s MOBA elements being played

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Overwatch was significantly less MOBA when it launched with the strongest healing being Mercy, a ton less antidive, and doublebarrier wasn’t even possible.

It declined heavily with GOATs and DoubleBarrier.

Seriously. To me, the. FPS/MOBA mix was a lot less MOBA.

And for what MOBA elements got used, it was a lot less “Defence Biased”.

Complaining that the game is shifting back to “Attack Bias”, was literally what the game was when it was popular.


Probably some time before Brig got released.

Took until the Hanzo rework for people to really understand how to use Brig though.

  1. who’s to say zen isn’t getting damage buffs? :^)
  2. except you can’t expect hypermobility to go unchecked with reduction of sustain AND cc. sustain, cc and lenient aim mechanics are the 3 things that can counter mobility. you can’t have low of everything and still have high mobility and not expect imbalance problems. esp when you consider how spread out team will play with the all the direction tanks are heading and mobility creep in non-support roles.
  3. when various dps have tools to either let them more consistently damage or have more burst or even both (“standard of shooter” in context of OW), for supports whereby all their designs are largely not about damaging or dealing more damage, there’s no reason why their pretty much sole damage method can’t be more consistent while having similar (but still technically lower) dps/burst numbers to compensate lack of such aforementioned tools dps have in order to meet that standard
    • like heck, 120dps is still lower than quite a number of dps heroes’ staple weapon fire dps right now. like sombra rn is 160dps.
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Never played OW2 - Check
Not giving any facts to back up claims - Check
Angry for no reason - Check
Twitter mentality - Check

Value of the feedback and topic : 0


I’m saying going back to the standard of shooter means less forgiving aim mechanics. More damage is fair but not forgiving aim and certainly not “more damage and also forgiving aim.”

This is regardless of there being some heroes some people find much harder to hit. If mobility heroes become a balance problem, they should be balanced in a manner that keeps the shooter integrity, not introducing or buffing the damage for forgiving aim.

and I’m saying when we’re talking about a hero design like supports that literally don’t have plenty of extra tools to damage well like the various “shooter” heroes that is THE standard, they’re going to need what they can get to compensate to meet that standard.

you got ashe with boop + range + a DoT nade that literally allows a kill if hit by another shot + bob. soldier having self heals + extra burst from rockets + aimbot ult. tracer with all the bloody mobility she has. a typical “shooter” in this game has various extra tools to make killing easier or better for them.

for majority of supports it’s 1 weapon fire and maybe 1 extra ability that can be used to kill. such is the case with moira. if they’re to make her as good at killing as the “standard shooter of OW”, then putting one of those dps guns on moira simply isn’t going to cut it to meet that standard and WILL need something extra e.g. leniency in aim (since sustain and cc are being culled and this community clearly has a track record of lynching any utility on support).

mobility “balanced in a manner that keeps the shooter integrity” basically means very little mobility unless every hero is getting pretty much the same amount of mobility.

the latter simply isn’t happening as it largely means foregoing the concept of a hero.

and neither is the former esp given the direction of tanks (more brawly = going to be up in enemy’s face more —> likely more mobility) and the announced mobility passive for every dps.

there’s a reason why even pros rn rely on mccree’s and brig’s stun (both being more lenient aiming abilities that directly target mobility) in order to counter the likes of tracer (instant travel dashes), df (10m/s, 25m/s, and 45m/s), genji (15m/s dashes) and ball (10m/s roll, 18m/s swing).

and if the need to use such abilities is needed for mobility of at least 10m/s per low cd ability, how much mobility do you think is necessary to “be balanced in a manner that keeps the shooter integrity”? quite clearly, very low.