#DELETE_______ Movements are Pretty Stupid

If you are angry with a certain character in the game to the point where instead of either playing around the character or constructively giving out reasons why they’re overpowered, you want them to be flat-out deleted from the game, than you sir/madam, should probably get out more.


No it isn’t. This is the OW forums. We nerf everything base on emotional opinions. lol!


people will just come to call out he “git gud”
then all posts would be nullified, so we’ll just ask for delete and make our voices heard

Describing stuff as ‘unfun’ annoys me. Literally everything in the game is unfun depending on how you look at it.


Indeed. What people find fun may be subjective, but making movements to get rid of a character from the game is flat-out idiotic.

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Well the #deletebrig movement and Blizzard have showed that it pays off more to cry than to adapt, so any other # other than brig is probably because of them, and not people genuinely crying.


They may be stupid, but thanks to deletebrig we know they provably work.



What’s even more stupid is giving attention to them.

Don’t be silly.
I don’t have to go out. I have plenty of mirrors in my own house

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There are heroes in this game who are not meant to be played against.
Brigitte and Doomfist made the game worse in every imaginable way.
They should not have been released at all, the second best thing is deleting them.

I really think we should #deletetracer. She was a huge problem for like a year and a half before Brigitte helped to put her in check. Now that the #deletebrigitte crowd has gotten their way, Tracer is going to be able to run rampant as a god tier hero again.

We should absolutely #deletetracer. :slight_smile:


Well several times now it has worked. Just saying. Blizzard has shown us that crying hard enough gets rushed changes put into the game that do more harm than good.

Rushed? People called Brigitte overpowered since day 1, and it took months until she finally got nerfed once.

And the shield bash change was more than enough. This new nerf went way extra and considering the childish movement happening at the same time blizzard handed the crybabies an undeserved win.

I like how the #delete movement was wonderful until it started getting pointed at Tracer and Genji.


No it wasn’t. She still has one of the highest winrates across the board, with a high pick rate, while being the easiest hero in the game.

They are actually pretty funny. It shows that the person who wants the hero deleted just can’t handle them. So they want their OW life to be easier and have the character removed all together instead of learning, adapting and applying.

I agree completely with you. What saddens me is how this game is so often “balanced” by people simply saying “Oh that’s unfun to play against, #deletehero” and it coming to fruition. I would say that it’s a coincidence, but still… I understand how frustrating it must be for the community for this stuff happening to past heroes as well. Mercy, Sombra, Bastion, Doomfist, Roadhog, Brig etc. All had nerfs in the past history simply because someone with a lot of influence cried about them and stomped their feet on how “unfun they are to play against”. And of course I’m probably oversimplifying it there, but I can’t help but notice how often some flavor of “Top 500 pro player” makes a fuss about a hero, and that hero shortly ending up being gutted in one way or another.

Maybe I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt and say that it’s all just really poor timing, but I still can’t help but feel a certain type of way where the community makes all these excellent suggestions for their favorite hero that makes them fun and balanced to play with and against, and all of that getting ignored time and time again, and someone in the pro scene making a half-thought out attempt and vouches for heavily nerfing to outright gutting certain heroes, for no other reason than “I feel like I’m powerless, I’m not having fun playing against this hero, therefore, Blizzy you need to nerf it.” I dunno, that’s just my opinion, but I’m sure that seeing this over and over kind of starts to rub some people the wrong way.

I think this teaches the community bad lessons. That it doesn’t matter what you suggest, it will be ignored, and the most effective way to get way our way is to complain about other heroes you don’t like that counter your own, get a Top 500 player to join in with you on said idea, and watch as it all becomes a reality. But that’s just my 2 cents on it. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


20 characters.

Stupid but effective.