#DELETE_______ Movements are Pretty Stupid

They are silly and misguided. But did you notice that they weren’t silly or misguided until they were pointed at something other than Brigitte?

The #delete movements are born when people started complaining about Mei: she was perfect aside the fast charging ultimate, but she was niche. People pretended to nerf her into the ground and make devs forget about them, but finally she got some buffs but she still needs bug fixing.

I understand we have too many CCs and i agree, those things should be tuned, but that’s not a justification to nerf an hero. Also look how much an hero is played or is popular, i see mostly healers and tanks to define the metas, the DPS heroes do it seldom. But i see Reinhardt ATM is the most popular tank (source: Omnicmeta and Overbuff), and people are quiet about him, i wonder why anti-tanks heroes and direct counters to tank comps don’t get buffed

If I get out more, will devs actually start listening to testers and quit implementing dumb stuff none of you should even be able to cry about losing because it shouldn’t have existed in the first place?

Blizzard really kind of brings this kind of thing on themselves. Speaking from more than a decade of experience, crying on youtube and twitch as a community figure is the only way to get them to listen.


but is it stupid if it works? :thinking: