Delete Brigitte and literally more people will play the game

I didn’t quit playing because of Brig, you (the OP) still play this game so you didn’t quit because of Brig…

People who literally use the term literally wrong are literally going off of hyperbole and at times some literally hurt their own argument when being less ‘literal’ would let people take them seriously.


If they did that, dive would reign supreme again, just like flankers, Tracer would become unstoppable again and everyone would complain about that. Brig is necessary for the health of the game even if some people just can’t deal with it, she is not going anywhere.


My thoughts exactly.

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Removing Doomfist wouldn’t be so bad :thinking:

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Rein isnt broken like brig? Then why dont we actually buff her like Rein and just make her bigger. Remove Heal. And say we have another tank? I dont really mind that but I think you would be crying for a nerf soon.

Hard to take you seriously when by just checking your profile we see you’re a genji/tracer main. I believe her to be a great addition to the game, genji and tracer didn’t have enough counters before. Now it’s great to be able to punish those annoying bugs if they don’t pay attention


that would make no sense as it firstly would take awat from the approach of individualistic heroes.

only reason rein is picked is because he has a shield and can move with it, he doesnt provide anything else.

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guys why u complain about brig she is a melee hero stay away from her every hero has counters
bastion widow hanzo junkrat


Well I feel like Mercy, Widow, Doom, Rein, Winston, Zarya, Soldier, Mccree, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Zen, Ana, and Torb are all unfun to play and play against, we should delete them from the game.

i understand do u feel like genji solo ulting a mercy fun to play against as mercy ?
or mercy rezing the first pick is fun?(mercy main btw)
all hero and ults should have unfun power

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You can’t make the ‘no fun’ argument. Of course she’s not fun to play against… very few heroes are. I used to think she was OP, but since I started playing more of her she’s actually quite balanced.

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I was joking…


pls stop bullying my waifu. ty.

Add me to that list of unmotivated players. If I want to play a hack and slash game I’ll go for D3 or PoE. If I want that 1st person shield bashing shenanigans I’ll play Skyrim. If I wanted to play a fighting game I’d go for Street Fighter (df).

i told i understand

Delete Doomfist and literally more people will play the game. Doomfist is not a fun character. I know lots of people who are really unmotivated to play this game literally because of that character.

In all seriousness there are people who enjoy every single character of the game. Brigitte is my favourite character both in lore, design, and play, and yet I understand why some people are frustrated with her simply because they can’t learn how to out play her, and that’s okay! That’s their problem.

I have characters I dislike playing against. Before the release of Brigitte (because I’m not always given the luxury of playing a DPS slot, and am not some garbage human who instalocks DPS for my entire life, and therefore do not always have the luxury to switch to McCree) I didn’t have any way to counter Tracer, and she was the most FRUSTRATING character to play against (NOW its Tracer, Hanzo AND Doomfist that I hate the most). Now if I need to get rid of a pesky Tracer I can do that without being a detriment to my team.
Now will I sit here and call for Tracer and Doomfist’s removal? No.

  1. I personally enjoy PLAYING Tracer as well, I’ve had many a game where I do EXACTLY the SAME THINGS that I find annoying for Tracer’s to do.

  2. I’m not an idiot and I understand that every hero has a large amount of people that enjoy playing them, even if I don’t understand WHY.

I find that Doomfist is just a whole pile of garbage with his rocket punch because even if he dives in and dies killing a support, it’s still a loss for that team fight because the enemy only lost a DPS, whereas you lost a support and I think its garbage that he can do that, and he can ruin any 250hp hero in a second. Do I think he should be removed from the game? Nope. Because I know how to counter a Doomfist and can be fully aware of my surroundings and situational awareness, AND I fully understand there are people who love to play Doomfist.

If you can’t counter the Brigitte or stay out of her tiny 6 metre effective range, or any hero that’s giving you issues honestly, that’s your problem. That doesn’t mean she needs to be removed from the game. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:

Also, if you’re willing to completely leave a game just because they added a character you dislike, then I mean, good riddance I suppose. Doesn’t effect the people who continue to play, and doesn’t effect those who leave either. :upside_down_face: :blush:


I cant tell you how many people would leave the game if she was removed.

Also if they removed her people would lose faith in a second because that could be a possible route in the future for other heroes

Basically removing her would kill the game.

So no. If they removed her I would definitely not want to play at all anymore. And a lot of others too.


i agree! the only thing she added to the game was pure cancer and hatred.

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the casuals who dont want to learn the game would quit, and Jeff in an early video said “we dont want these kind of players in the game” yet here we are.

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Weird way of spelling “doomfist”