Delete Brigitte Already

Honestly the easiest fix is just cut a U shape into her shield where her fat head is.


Someone please lock this ridiculous necro thread

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Most brain dead hero is one of the most rewarding its upsetting :confused:


McCree’s flashbang has a bigger hitbox, one meter longer range than Brigitte’s shield bash, has more versatility since it can be thrown up or down while shield bash only moves horizontally, can stun multiple people, and McCree’s combo with it gets nearly double the damage of Brigitte’s combo.

She has the second lowest dps in the game, being only slightly above Moira in sustained dps. Her 155 burst combo is actually incredibly low burst for the 1 seconds that it happens in. Both Soldier and McCree, who are considered average or normal as far as dps go, can burst nearly double the damage in the same amount of time without even having to hit headshots.

She counters Winston. In fact, Winston is the only character in the game that doesn’t really have a way to outplay Brigitte. That’s one character in the entire game that she straight up hard counters. The rest have reliable ways to fight her. As for tanks, Zarya, Rein, and Orisa just straight up kill Brigitte.

Brigitte is a healer/tank hybrid. Her tankiness is intentionally. In actual matches, she has some of the lowest healing in the game. In addition, she has the lowest dps in the game, no mobility, and her effective range is limited to 6 meters. If she didn’t have the survivability that she does, she’d be a free kill for every character in the game. But that’s what all the Brigitte haters on this board seem to want. They want a free kill instead of a character that they have to stop being a bot to play against.

Yes. Her passive provides healing at a very low rate, and she has to fight and put herself at risk to get it. Her armor pack is a burst heal on a cooldown and has travel time, meaning you can kill someone before it reaches them and the cooldown is wasted. It’s not like she’s constantly bursting 150 healing per second. Also, the armor from her armor pack goes away as soon as the cooldown refreshes. It isn’t permanent. The armor from her ult is strong because it’s an ult. Ults are supposed to be strong.

They let her destroy Winston in a 1v1. Every other character in the game can beat Brigitte in a 1v1. You do know that you don’t have to get into her melee range, right? It’s not that she’s overpowered. It’s that you’re choosing to walk at her like a bot, which enables her to do what she was made to do. Quit being braindead against a character that was made to kill braindead players.

The armor also doesn’t reduce the damage taken by the shields that it’s under, which is fair. It’s also an ultimate, which is meant to be strong. Stop crying about it. That’s like crying that Reinhardt earthshattered your whole team. +100 armor health to every team member really isn’t a whole lot. It’s not going to save you from high damage enemy ults. If a team can burn down a 2000hp Reinhardt shield in a couple seconds, there should be no problem dealing with an ult that at most gives a total of 600 armor hp divided among a 6 player team.


-McCree can stun multiple people
-If you’re by yourself yes - if you’re being healed, no. Why would you be by your lonesome?
-She does not counter every single tank, and I myself am a tank main
-Her shield is abhorrent and easily breakable
-Her heal is extremely low and her armor packs fade
-Who said supports have to be healer only? It’s just a classification, that’s not an excuse nor an argument. Her CC is powerful, not OP
-It’s an Ult that can be countered easily with burst damage.

She’s fine.



If I am playing Ana and am forced to switch off because how annoying a Genji/Tracer is, when I switch to Brig you should be forced to switch too because of how annoying she is.

Sorry, not sorry.

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Looks like someone’s brain dead like their hero.


What I said is true, though. With the exception of maybe Winston. He struggles against Brigitte in a 1v1. Every other character kills her in a purely 1v1 scenario though. - Out range her and pick her apart. has the mobility to stay away, and can tank a full combo from Brigitte if she does get close. Brigitte is eventually going to go down in a 1v1 with

Orisa - If Brigitte gets into close range, Orisa can survive the combo or fortify it. Orisa will absolutely kill Brigitte in close range before Brigitte kills her.

Reinhardt - As long as he keeps his shield up, Brigitte cannot engage him with whip shots only. She has to approach and shield bash. As soon as the stun is over, Reinhardt kills her. Because shield bashing puts Brigitte in Reinhardt’s range, and that’s not somewhere she wants to be. A point blank whip shot doesn’t knock Rein far enough back for Brig to escape him.

Roadhog - He can out sustain and out damage Brigitte. His hook combo also works as a oneshot against her.

Wrecking Ball - Same strat as Pick her apart from outside her range of 6 meters and use your mobility to keep away if she tries to approach.

Zarya - Zarya is actually a straight up counter for Brigitte. She can bubble the shield bash and her beam can hit Brigitte around the shield. Not only that, Zarya can also splash damage around the shield with her right click if she’s low on charge.

Bastion - In recon mode, Bastion can just keep away from her and pick her apart. If Brigitte tries to approach a sentry Bastion, she gets melted.

Doomfist - Rocket punch goes through shield bash and has a further range than shield bash. Doomfist can combo Brigitte out, and his passive gives him more than enough sustain to survive even if he does get stunned.

Genji - In a 1v1, Genji should never get touched by Brigitte. His shurikens have no damage falloff at range, and he has the superior mobility. Not only that he can use his vertical mobility abilities to stay above her shield bash hitbox, eliminating any combo potential he has. Know what happens when a double jumping or wall climbing Genji gets shield bashed? He gets popped far up into the air out of Brigitte’s range, making it impossible for her to actually combo him.

Hanzo - Superior mobility and insane burst from range. Hard counters Brigitte. If you’re losing a 1v1 to Brigitte as Hanzo, you should probably just become a Mercy main.

Junkrat - Another hard counter to Brigitte. He has tools like trap and mine to stop her approach, he can out range her, is more mobile, and he can splash burst damage around her shield.

McCree - Out range her and pick her apart. McCree’s flashbang has longer range than Brigitte’s shield bash and can be splashed around her shield. If she approaches, stun her and fan the hammer for an easy kill.

Mei - Both freeze ray and icicle can out range Brigitte. Not only that, Mei has ice block if Brigitte does get close. Mei should absolutely win every 1v1 with Brigitte.

Pharah - Yet another hard counter to Brigitte. Fly in the air and splash her with rockets. Brigitte cannot do anything to Pharah in a 1v1.

Reaper - Reaper can struggle a little bit against Brigitte, but he absolutely can take her in a 1v1. He can pick her apart from outside her range. If she tries to close the gap with her shield bash, she no longer has it for her stun combo and Reaper wins through his far superior damage. He can also wraith to escape her if he messes up.

Soldier 76 - Another character who should never lose a 1v1 to Brigitte. He can out range her. He has far superior mobility to keep an advantageous position. He can run for days and heal himself up if he needs to. He can splash damage around her barrier with helix rocket. Soldier absolutely wins the 1v1 against Brigitte.

Sombra - Hack her and kill her. Stay out of melee range with Sombra’s superior mobility. Sombra hard counters Brigitte.

Symmetra - Symmetra can out range Brigitte with both her beam and her orbs. She can toss sentries all around Brigitte, which forces Brig to either deal with the sentries or deal with Sym. She can’t deal with three sentries surrounding her and a Symmetra by herself. Sym wins this 1v1.

Torb - He can throw armor packs to himself to easily sustain through Brigitte’s measly dps. He can also easily out range and out damage her. Not only that, if he sets up his turret, Brigitte doesn’t have the damage to kill the turret while Torb is killing her from another position.

Tracer - Tracer has far better mobility and can actually kill Brigitte in less than a single clip. Her range damage fall off doesn’t start until nearly double Brigitte’s effective range, so it’s very easy for Tracer to pick her apart in a 1v1.

Widowmaker - Superior mobility. Can access areas that Brigitte can’t even get close to. Widowmaker’s range is infinitely longer than Brigitte’s. Widow is a hard counter to Brigitte, and you should not be losing to Brigitte in a 1v1 if you’re playing Widowmaker.

Ana - Can out range Brigitte. Does more damage than Brigitte. If Brigitte tries to approach Ana with a shield bash, she no longer has her combo available, and Ana can start shooting the shield. If Brigitte starts trying to swing, Ana can sleep her and do the bio nade and shot combo. Ana can also splash damage around the shield with bio nade.

Lucio - Far superior mobility and can reach places Brigitte can’t. It will be slow going, but Lucio can definitely pick Brigitte apart from outside her effective range. He can also boop her away if she does try to approach. A decent Lucio should not lose to a Brigitte in a 1v1.

Mercy - Mercy has more reliable self sustain than Brigitte and can out range her. If Brigitte tries to approach using shield bash, the stun combo is wasted with it on cooldown. Mercy does nearly double Brigitte’s dps with just body shots, and with headshots will do nearly four times as much dps as Brigitte. Mercy should win this 1v1 if she plays smart.

Moira - Moira has mobility to stay away from Brigitte for days, can out range her with the beam, and can get damage around the shield with her damage orb. Moira wins this 1v1.

Zenyatta - Out range Brigitte. Discord her and keep shooting orbs. If Brigitte wastes her shield bash cooldown trying to approach, Zenyatta absolutely wins the dps race.

Winston - Winston struggles against Brigitte. While it’s not impossible, he’s probably going to lose a 1v1 against her. Winston’s success in this matchup is entirely reliant on getting successful goomba stomps every time his leap is off cooldown.

There you go. Ways for every single character in the game’s cast to outplay and counterplay Brigitte in a 1v1. I’m definitely not braindead, friend. I actually know the damage values, ranges, etc. When I go up against a Brigitte these days, I see her as a pretty free kill and free ult charge. She can absolutely be played around. You just don’t want to learn how to deal with her. You’d rather she be a free kill that you can just walk at like a bot.


Yes!!! This is the biggest brigitte’s problem. Like u doing impact cause you pick this hero! You think this is will be funny game there all heroes be like brigitte?
Why only brigitte must do this?



20 characters

heh ofcourse not delete. I think OP just hate her so much :D:D

Even this heroes harder than bri.

But make her harder to play this is what we need (all who cry about brigitte)

It’s kinda sad to see some people still have no idea how to counter her after 2 months…


This is why you run 2 healers so the other one can heal you whilst you are being pressured. That simply isn’t a good enough reason for Brigette existing.

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If Ana can have that hard of a counter, then Tracer and Genji deserve equally hard counters.

That’s the cost of not properly balancing those heroes.


just lul. Only Phara can counter her easily. Then Widow\Hanzo. And then others. This why because she is broken, too

Sombra loses to Brigitte even if she gets off a hack.
She still has a no aim weapon, and her healing and her ult is unaffected by hack.

So her counter is numerical advantage, and not Sombra?

Brigitte has to engage extremely poorly for that to work.

And 600hp is a lot, and it regenerates really fast.

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I believe it is 100 HPS. So if you break her shield, then it would take 9 seconds to fully regenerate.

If her shield doesn’t break, then it is 2 seconds + 1 second for every 100 HP missing.

I totaly second this. She is very fustrating and so anti fun to come up againts that I just quit and play something else. Her hero herself is a bad design and when she is in the match she destroys the fun far more than mei does.

I hate brigitte and I wish she gets removed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: