Brigitte is a core component of the GOATs meta in OWL. OWL is also a very different environment compared to Ladder. You have to remember that any hero can dominate when paired with other heroes they have good synergy with.
You do understand how metas work don’t you? Of course the pros are playing her alot. It wouldn’t be GOATs if they substituted her for another hero. The same applies to Lucio.
Case and point: Bastion was used in OWL last season with Pirate Ship on Junkertown. Bastion at the time was by far the worst hero in the game, but he won games in OWL
think of it this way, if you punch somoene and he use his swords to block it, you will punch his swords and make your hand bleed right?, but you wont punch yourself, cause he cant really deflect the punch to make u punch yourself, cause its not real right?
same with shield bash, it doesnt matter if its a stun or anything, if u will be able to stun Brig by deflecting shield bash it wont feel real. it works different with McCree cause you throw dust on Genji and he deflect the dust to you.
GOATS is meta on the ladder too, I don’t see why the hero that’s super key in GOATS should be exempt from nerfs because she’s already had nerfs in the past that accomplished very little.
Not saying this is the nerf she needs but she certainly isn’t balanced.
Genji has plenty outplay potential against Brig. Even if she lands the stun she cant one shot him, her dmg is tickle dmg and genji can deflect her attacks.
She has no way of keeping up with him due to her only mobility being her shield bash compared to wall climb, double jump and dash, not to mention double darsh/ms increase during blade.
She has no vertical mobility which makes her an easy target for genji if he uses high ground which is easy for him to get to.
If she uses shield bash genji can do what ever he wants for the next 7 seconds.
Genji doesnt have fall off, giving him a range advantage.
Shes an easy target for slice and dice with blade and she can basically do nothing to survive it if done well.
Genji can dance circles around Brig for days.
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The nerfs accomplished very little in the way of stopping GOATs because she isn’t the only hero enabling GOATs. It doesn’t take a genius to work that one out.
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Ok, ok, wait. So if Brig gets deleted, and Genji sees constant play in OWL again that will mean Genji needs nerfs? I just want this cleared up for future reference.
Brigitte was a mistake. Hope we never have to face a character as bad as her.
Of course not, even in dive meta which should theoretically be Genji’s best meta he was picked half as much as Widowmaker and was far less successful.
If Genji somehow creates an entirely new meta where he’s near-essential to whatever comp is being run then sure.
What meta would it even take for that to happen? If a high mobility meta where he is supposed to thrive couldn’t, I don’t think any meta can.
I’d like to hope that Genji will always be the always good, never great, but never bad hero. Always being viable but never truly meta.
“she is easy to destroy, just avoid her as the pest until you somehow win without killing her”
Oh so we should expect the Tracer nerfs threads then? She had what? an 80% pick rate during Dive meta?
- he wasnt picked half as much, he was picked less than her but not that much, he was still in the top 3 dps pick rates.
- Brig has lower pick rates than Lucio and Zen.
- Brig didnt magically create a meta, she was in the game pre nerfs during the double sniper fiasco.
Brig has been dumpstered by nerfs and you’ve had almost a year to learn how to play around her. Stop asking for completely unnecessary changes because you refuse to adapt.
He’s not being pick not because he’s bad it’s because something way better is a thing. GOATS
shield bash should get a nerf. but not against deflect… it should be nerfed against doomfist and rein.
how idiotic is it that brig used to be able to beat rocket punch and rein charge with shield bash. it blows my mind.
they nerfed it to be equal and knockdown applies to both. which is also idiotic. doomfist is supposed to have the strength to knockdown a building and rein in pinning you in a massive armored suit… and those are equalized to a little woman hitting you with a small shield. it’s ridiculous
at the most brig should have the 2 second knockdown and doom/rein should have the 1 second stun
but for genji it is ok. she was designed to punish flankers and i say this as genji is one of my most played heroes. blizz just didn’t have the foresight to realize that she punishes everyone else too
There is a thread about 29/29 heroes being played in OWL.
Cmon man … it doesnt go through shields anymore, does less damage than a melee hit ( nerfed from 50 to 5 ), the CD is huge … now you want to deny the stun too ?
So dead she is still one of the most played hero in both gm and pros. She needs a rework, she is killing the game.