Deflect vs Shield Bash

How about a buff to Genji, by making him able to block Brigittes shield bash with deflect? I’ve never understood why does it go through it. Yes it’s a stun, but it should have limitations, so it wouldn’t be used mindlessly without having to worry about punishment for bad use.

It’s not like it would be unheard of anyway, you can block hooks and Reinhardts giant fuken hammer. This would give Genji an outplay potential against her, instead of having to avoid her pretty much at all cost.


No. Brig is easy to destroy in her current state as genji. Just avoid her until the team fight is won through other picks. Then if she’s not already dead, you and the rest of your team can destroy her. You shouldn’t engage everyone anyway. You also have left click. Get accurate with it.


no, deflect should get a nerf


No, deflect’s hitbox should be at least half reverted to what it was, and the graphic should be changed to accurately display the radius. Deflect is a meme ability right now.

No. Deflect intentionally does not block Shield Bash. Shield Bash is already easily the most limited stun in the game–it doesn’t exactly need more nerfs–and Genji is doing pretty darn well for this meta not really favoring him


God forbid something counters him.


Wow Genji so good he isn’t played in OWL

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Wow I didn’t know you were in OWL.

Well I’m not. But if he isn’t played there it means he has a lot of counter

That’s a really poor reason to buff a hero. Especially since for the rest of the playerbase, he’s the most-picked DPS during GOATs meta.


I’m not asking for a buff at all. I’m just proving how wrong you are. Also I’m more asking for Brig nerf.

That’s Sombra, you’re so wrong.

He’s not wrong though:
OWL pickrate chart.

He’s not being played much in OWL.

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You’ll never get people to agree to a Genji buff here.

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Thank you my friend.

I’m not talking about OWL. Stop your obsession with that.

I’m talking about ladder, where Genji is the most-picked DPS and Zenyatta/Lucio are outperforming Brigitte.

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Not necessarily. Pharah is countered wildly by large portions of the cast, and she’s seeing OWL play. Same for Torbjorn and Symmetra. Should we not buff them, even though they’re hot garbage on ladder?

Trying to balance around OWL is how you make the rest of the game thoroughly unenjoyable for everyone else. OWL members play in an environment that is far more regimented and coordinated than any of us. They make strategies work that are laughably bad on ladder (i.e. Quad DPS). They shouldn’t be the primary point of balance consideration, if even considered in balance at all.

…no. Sombra floats around a 1% pickrate. Genji’s been cruising around a 4-5% pickrate. The only DPS really rivaling him has been Widowmaker

Because he doesn’t need one.
(Just like how he doesn’t need a nerf as well.)


OHOH So let’s delet Rein and ana for the ladder.