Never said he did. I’m just informing OP that they might as well not even bother trying.
That’s not my argument at all.
You’re the one pulling that “pick rates indicate balance” jargon, my dude.
I’m only using OWL. Genji isn’t op at all. I’m not even asking for buff, I just want to prove how wrong you are.
On this forum do you usually not find much support when it comes to changing flankers. (But in my case is it because I think they do not need changes.)
Let me spell this out for you.
- OWL is its own sector of the game, where .5% of the playerbase is
- Genji is not used in OWL
- Genji is used a lot in ladder - the rest of the game where OP, you, and myself play
- Genji is fine in ladder and balanced
- Brigitte in OWL is used a lot, but so is Zarya, Reinhardt, etc…and even by the chart that Bloggerman shared, LUCIO is the most-picked
- Brigitte is not a problem in ladder
They’re both fine. If you want to use OWL to justify balance changes for non-existent problems in the game that you and I play, then you’re essentially citing OWL when it benefits you and disregarding it when it doesn’t.
For the game you and I play, as well as basically everyone else outside of OWL, they are both fine.
I don’t care. You said GOAT META. meta is a pro thing. I don’t care if Genju is played a lot in plat. Goat is really bad at that lvl. Brigitte is a massive probleme and need to be deleted.
…You do know that GOATs exists in Masters and GM, right?
Genji does not need any buffs
Especially when it’s to stop something thats supposed to counter him
Master isn’t the best example at the moment.
Nerf deflect
Nerf Brig cause brig…
Why is that?
Zenyatta is also the go-to support across all ranks as well. He is picked 4x as much and yields close to the same winrates across all tiers.
There’s nothing indicating that Brigitte needs a nerf. Her winrates aren’t outrageous, her pickrates aren’t high, and in ranks where a meta comes to play and is more fluidly executed, she is not seeing success.
She is the reason Goat exists. That’s it. I’d like a rework
Edit: I love the concept of the character, diablo like. But the gameplay sucks
If that’s what it comes down to, why aren’t Zarya, Lucio, Zenyatta and D.Va to blame when they’re picked more than her in ladder and are in OWL in almost every single game?
Pinning an entire meta on one hero isn’t reasonable at all. Dive wasn’t simply Tracer’s fault. It was D.Va, Winston, Mercy, and Zenyatta.
GOATs is equally Brigitte’s fault as it is Lucio, Zenyatta, D.Va, Reinhardt, and Zarya.
Can’t pick and choose who you want to blame and nerf when 5 other heroes are equally to blame for it.
I want to see an end to GOATs (or at least weaken it so it’s not viable every map), but you can only nerf one of the components so much before you realize she’s not the sole problem and fuel behind it.
Ladder is more about deathball not GOAT. Because the ladder isn’t about the meta. Also has a weak winrate.
But in ranks where meta is a thing, in Masters and in GM, it is still GOATs. It’s still D.Va, Zarya, Reinhardt, Lucio, Zenyatta, and…actually no Brigitte. Ana is the 6th component with high pickrates.
They’re being played in both OWL and ladder. In ladder it’s obviously not going to be as organized, and most of the time when people in my rank say “Let’s run GOATs” they do’nt understand you have to stick to each other and wait to rush in on one person at a time. But it’s still there. Brig isn’t even being used that often in ladder.
And yeah D.Va’s winrates are not that great.
She’s at 6.66% pickrate in GM, though. Satanic much?
No need for this, Jeff Kaplan has already gone on record a few days back saying Genji is balanced and fine.
Brigitte is designed to counter Genji, so of course she will be able to do stuff like that. Genji shouldn’t even be that close to Brigitte to begin with, unless you’re sneaking up for an attack from behind.
Brigitte is not a massive problem. She has had nerf after nerf and nerfing Shield Bash so that it doesn’t go through deflect will just turn it into a joke ability.
If you can’t handle Brigitte in her currently pathetically weak state, then you need to play better. Instead of crying nerf every time you get outperformed by the opposition, work on your own skill level first.
I mean Brigitte is seeing constant play in the OWL and Genji isn’t so it clearly goes deeper than “Genji player bad”
I would definitely say It’s an inconsistency among which attacks deflect does block, but changing it would be uneccessary
Yeah I need to git gud. That’s why even the top player play her a lot.