Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

I’m aware he could also dash, but now he can cancel deflect into secondary into dash.

He no longer needs to displace himself and have to readjust his aim, which allowed for zen to at least have a shot at doing something.

Now, if zen shoots, genji can deflect then headshot with secondary then dash with an added melee for good measure. And zen can’t do much about it.

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Kind of the point; you’re supposed to think about when you ult. if you ult by a wall, you can use the deflect cancel via wall climb, but now you can just do it whenever without any forethought. Ults being mindless, especially when as high impact as Blade, aren’t good for the game.

So uh, those aren’t the only Genji counters. I could easily name another 10 heroes that counter Genji if you’d like

Yeah he has another option you have to be aware of, but again, Zen gets erased by pretty much any flanker, he needs some buff to help him survive. Deflect became really bad after the huge hitbox nerfs, so bad that sometimes things pass right through, i would’ve liked if they buffed the hitbox to half what it used to be and people would not be over reacting, this buff seems too strong on paper, they only went with the cancel because being stuck 2 seconds on deflect feels really bad in certain situations

God forbid a hero that’s been out of the meta for two years be given something that makes them relevant again.

FYI deflect was ALWAYS cancellable by swift strike, which is 70% of the time what you follow up deflect with.

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Yet people scream for Ana’s head, despite being literally in the same position other than her having a higher average pickrate


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Yeah, the big change here is the reduced spread of secondary fire, im amazed how everyone is so scared of the deflect changes when it has been so weak and bugged since the big hitbox nerf

Largest head bob in the game, headshot hidbox hidden during double jump, bonus movement speed and now this crap. High skill character by the way.

Because it removes literally ALL counter play

You see Ana use her grenade to heal her team? Now she has nothing to self sustain, and makes it easier to kill her

You see Zarya use her bubble? You stop shooting and wait it out, or focus fire it down

Sombra starts to hack someone? Shoot her, disables it

Genji deflects? Can cancel it at any time instantly

Zen main here gets a long demanded buff to discord to make him a slightly more attractive pick for teams…and then they give one of his biggest counters multiple buffs. lol

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The buff takes away any consequence of using deflect wrong and ALSO allows the Genji to have a upper hand against the enemy.

It was hard enough with Zenyatta, since you had to predict when he would use it and decide when to shoot/not. Now you have to do that AND predict when he’s going to take it down.

This just Genji more power in duels, when he already have enough.


Brig also gets countered by evey long range hitscan in game, for pharah it’s even worse, the only heroes that don’t really counter her are short range heroes (reaper, doom, symm, tanks outside of dva, brig and lucio).

Genji is strong against every healer except brig and with the buffs he just had who knows what could happen, moira but she’s gonna tickle him now. Outside of zarya there’s no other tank really (halt and accretion are a problem for every flanker), symm is garabge so no one will switch to counter a genji who can destroy her if she’s not pocketed (hard pocket, cause 0 defense abilities), mei is much weaker and can’t deal with him like she used to do. There you go.

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Arent we glad they are nerfing Moira in the same patch? (eye roll)

If you are playing with a junkrat or reaper, you can bait out trans and beat with a dry blade then the junkrat or reaper can ult.

Yes, but that required the genji disengaging or using up his escape tool.

Now genji can willfully cancel deflect and seamlessly transition into attacking. Let’s not act like they’re the same thing.

yall trash cans gonna have to learn how to actually play against genji now.
Kinda similar to how genji has had to learn how to play against each hero individually/correctly/properly for years. And 1 slipup hes dead.
Canceling deflect when hard diving only means that he has no CDs and can be absolutely shutdown with ease (no different than now)
If you are ana and use ur nade/sleep then genji dives you. How is that different than before? Are you saying that you think its unfair, that i genji as a dps with a kit that allows for 1 purpose. To hard dive backlines and get quick picks using my CDs. should not be able to kill you as ana who now has no CDs? Are you saying that isnt fair? If i used deflect i can be punished. You used nade, you can be punished. Everyone in the game can deal with genji easily if they arent trash. The problem is you where all given far too many crutches to deal with him and never got good at it.
If you are THAT BAD that you think him canceling deflect is gonna make him broken/god tier/face roll everyone. Than that was gonna happen to you regardless. Heres a tip. Play bap. He can jus press E and his whole team cant die. Or maybe try mcree. Even if i deflect u can still stun with ease. Heres another. If your ana dont waste your nade if you think genji gonna dive. Try some awareness/game sense out. Even just a little bit you might be ok. I have faith

all your essentially saying is “someone who is good at genji is hard to beat and i dont wanna try to get better and learn how to beat him”

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It’s how the rock is made. Sigma gathers debris using his weird gravity powers right? When Genji attempts to deflect it, his blade is drawn into the gravity well that created the rock and is holding it together. It’s literally sticking to his blade, so Genji can’t redirect it and all that force continues into Genji.

Edit: The reason why Genji can deflect Graviton Surge is because the surge doesn’t happen until the projectile stops moving, which isn’t how Deflect “works”. It’s why Graviton Surge doesn’t just randomly halt in the middle of the air to create its black hole thing.

Now if you want in game balance reasons for why the two do or don’t work, just let me know.

on my smurf in plat i got into a fight with enemy genji who tried deflecting sig rock the entire game and was flaming saying im an idiot.

Deflect will always have counterplay, all the abilities you mentioned are far stronger, you can throw a grenade, a dynamite or a flashbang at Genjis feet while deflecting to name some examples, also the ability is completely useless against a good portion of the heroes.

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Difference is that wraith is an escape ability and the most it does is reload his gun but deflect literally throws every attack back at you unless you are using a beam hero. Also, reaper doesn’t have an insane mobility like genji so no need to compare them