Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

dam so, i need perfect projectile accuracy. flawless timing on all my CDs. Crazy positioning,game sense,awareness. Real time decision making needs to be on point. Frame perfect reaction speed. All to be even just slightly viable? Only if i have an ana? dam i never realized how broken genji really is. my bad

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Cast time no, cancel time yes. The game already favors the shooter. I think thatā€™s enough for cast time on an ability literally created for reactions.


It more than fells like he has a cast time when u press E hear the sound of deflect being used and then you die but your deflect still goes on cooldown

lmao really not a big deal

Join my nerf Genji thread

so as genji we needā€¦
perfect positioning/awareness
perfect decision making
amazing CD management
Frame perfect Reaction speed
amazing aim with 3 slow moving projectiles
nearly everything to be perfect for ult
need ana to nano to have team fight winning ult, ONLY if other requirements are met
cant use any of our CDs incorrectly in the slightest

and than after we do all this FINALLY we can be SOMEWHAT useful and float around 48-50% wr on 1 trick heros in specific SR? I never realized how busted he is

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Forum Genji strikes again!
Deflecting ultimates and abilities left and right with his eyes closed!
ā€¦really? More than half the things he deflects still hurt him. Deflect a Moira orb? Itll do damage to you as you reflect it! Etc etcā€¦
Yall know his Deflect hitbox was shrunk a lot.
Iā€™m in GM and Iā€™ve never encountered forum Genji lmaoooo

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they think his hitbox is his entire body. And using the deflect is the ā€œop partā€ cancelling just gives more freedom. There is no reason he should be so heavily punished for using his own ability. A miss timed deflect with no wall cancel screws u so easily. Idk why so many other heroes have similar ā€œbrokenā€ features abilities and no1 bats an eye.

Yikes, you mean heā€™s actually a threat as DPS?

Time will tell if adjustments are needed, but come onā€¦ saying Genji doesnā€™t deserve any window to get someone as an all in DPS type hero is just silly.

Pretty much the reason why heā€™s been ignored for the most part for the better part of 2 years until now.

I mean, the whole entire point of Deflect is to Bait. It. Out. I mean literally i do the punch trick with Mccree and Roadhog and even smart Genjiā€™s fall for it.

I dislike the cancel part. Iā€™ve learned the timing of deflect to sleep mistimed deflects directly after the ability.

I felt this was a skill based match-up that was rewarding to learn. If he approaches me with strike then he has no cancel, and could screw himself if he doesnā€™t use deflect well. If he doesnā€™t use strike to approach me and cancels I can place my shots on him or try a sleep etc etc. All of this and mechanics and guess-work on when we want to use abilities.

If this goes how Blizzard typically does these kind of dumbed down buffs then Genji will be able to RMB burst directly off the cancel with no reaction time for the enemy, rather than sacrificing a CD for it and having the duel be mechanics and mind-games. Strong dislike for this. Iā€™ll give it some practice though.

I mean to be fair you can cancel deflect anyway with Wall Climb so itā€™s not like it matters too much, also do keep in mind this is Experimental, not all changes will go through.

Yes, or strike. But the point there is that Genji has to commit to something in these instances. Didnā€™t hit the deflect, have to strike cancel or wall climb so Iā€™m not as vulnerable. Imagine how awkward the Ana match-up would be if she could fake her sleep dart only to cast it again after youā€™ve wasted deflect (among other abilities).

Only way Iā€™d agree with it is only if he manually cancels it he gets a tiny buffer or animation where he canā€™t do something other than movement/maneuvers. No Iā€™m not talking crazy .8s like that one time with Doomfist. More like .3-.4s aka time for a human to react like, ā€œoh he cancelled itā€.

Honestly iā€™d be fine with that aslong as it isnā€™t really long, I donā€™t really call myself a Genji main so i donā€™t know really what or why they are buffing him, but i really think that Deflect cancel is good, but if we are adding wait periods after the cancel it shouldnā€™t be as long as actual Deflect.

Oh for sure nothing crazy long to feel clunky just small buffer so it isnā€™t impossible to tell when he manually cancels it. I would be content with the change if it was like that .

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listen bottom line. If you couldnt deal with genji previously. You still cant. If you actually took time to learn how to fight/counter him. You still can. The changes are so negligible. A deflect cancel isnt gonna cause you to win or lose any more games. Considering 90% of the time genji deflected, hed just dash at u / wall climb. You guys acting like hes gonna dash at u insta 1 shot u. deflect eveyrthing cancel it. nano blade and get a 9k while spamming mada mada chill out.

The Mada Mada is the crucial part of that sequence of events :rofl:

Honestly it wasnā€™t specific heroes countering Genji that made him not viable. It was mostly the fact that almost every hero in the roster would beat him, and although Iā€™m not sure about deflect cancel, his other buffs were definitely needed

all of them are so minimal. People really are freaking out over nothing. Genji is literally played no differently. he gets shut down exactly the same. Only difference is now it isnt extremely one sided /punishable. Just a lil

Honestly have not been in a game where it has made a difference against Genji, I still smack him around with Brig (Maybe bad genji).
When I played Genji, yeah the combo against 200 hp squishies seems certain.
Hell you can even LMB 3 shurikens into the head and melee and get the instakill, doesnā€™t even matter if you have the dash or not.
Deflect has not even been an afterthought for me, same as always, bait it out then attack.