Defense Matrix is the problem not D.Va's damage

As did every single other character pretty much, other than those 5, Orisa had like 2% pickrate cuz Danteh was trolling a bit on her, does that make all of them irrelevant?

No it doesnt, specially for the ladder enviroment.

No i mean, on the Nov 15h Patch, her nerfs are nothingburgers imo.

Zarya though got obliterated with those changes.

OWL disagrees

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Again? didnt i just say theres a ton of reasons OWL meta is what it is?

Ima give u a hint , its not cuz is weak.

Irrelevant. It’s crazy to nerf non-meta heroes who are traditionally much better at higher ranks and aren’t doing well in the preview of the patch at said higher ranks where they are usually better performing.

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Looked it up btw to make sure I had the details right, the incident that made them accept that they were real was that one was actually recorded by equipment on an oil platform in 1995. Just in case you ever recount the story I won’t have misinformed you, lol.

Its a little crazy, yes, this is a prediction i’m doing, ofc, and all of this is a little irrelevant cuz we will know for sure when the Nov 15th patch drops and the playerbase plays it, plus any changes that come only come on Dec 6 so we have plenty of time to dissect the meta then.

By then we’ll be sure on what changes to focus on, the real issue at hand and why i say these things is to put a focus on how D.M is an unfun and a little problematic ability and IF she seems too strong still after nerfing maybe they oughta target that next, for the overrall fun of the game, and shouldnt that be how you change a game?

lol now i’m curious.

Don’t underestimate the spread nerf. A long time ago they homogenized the shotguns to fire in concentric rings meaning you lost a fair amount of damage on the outer ring to inner ring gaps. However, it is to be seen. Dva spread was a huge reason her dmg at 10m felt awful because too much was lost at range.


What is D.Va supposed to do? How would you change her in a fair way to keep her competitive with other tanks, retain her playstyle, and ideally, be viable in most situations (as should be the goal when balancing every tank). Pick one:

  • Nerf her defensive abilities, be it burst (Defense Matrix) or sustained (armor + health). But buff her offensive abilities, i.e., damage and mobility.
  • Nerf her offensive abilities (damage + mobility), preventing her from making her own kills and more chained to her team, but buff her defensive abilities. Bring back the so-called "DM-bot", which merely only annoys rather than forces you back to spawn.

No, you can’t just pick nerfs. D.Va was designed for the old game, to be played with another tank. She has only received partial reverts to what were the strings of nerfs she received (rather unfairly) because of the combined power synergy her and 2-3 tanks had at that time. She needed the buffs she got in OW2 to be able to at least stand a chance at solo tanking and fulfill the “one player equals an entire role” requirement for 5v5.


I’ve played a ton of spread based characters (kinky… sry, its november.) i know how spread numbers work, an increase of 0.25 will only ever make her whiff like 1-2 of her 11 pellets from 10m range on slim targets (not Zen) so it barely changes her dmg at all since she can get to that range and past it super easily.

This one, thats the most boring parts of her kit, i think making her be able to shoot while D.Ming but with 2s DM and less armor (?, dk if would be needed but maybe) would be the most fun way.

Dont forget the promised and needed doomfist changes (dont like the charcter by my god is he bad right now), a completly new tank coming out, highly likely Junkerqueen buffs given her state and probably more buffs to other tanks. Sure is nice to know a charcter who is picked because of meta is going to be picked even less in the future without even touching her kit.


Sounds fun, but I know from experience that should she be altered in this way, it won’t be long before we hear about how oppressive the unstoppable “Assassin D.Va” is.

Reasonable people will be begging for a trade in her offensive buffs for either a revert to how she is now, or go further “to experiment” with playing around the old DM-bot. Which, like Sombra’s hack only temporarily inconveniences you if you are playing correctly, rather than forces you to die, wait out the death timer and walk back / regroup. Unreasonable people, like general D.Va haters, of course, will just continue to demand flat nerfs simply to see her disappear in usage entirely, which is completely unacceptable.


But by then, if she really was opressive, they could just tune her down and the fun aspect would still stand.

With me, i think an overall decrease in power lvl on all of the meta tanks (Wins,Dva, Zarya and Sigma) to somwhere between Rein and Orisa/Queen would be a healthier time for the game, they would all still be pickable but now the role itself is balanced all around.

No it was her damage. Her Matrix is great and lets her counter many heroes but her finest ability was her high burst which has been toned down. You can call the 10 dmg insignificant but when you lower burst even a little that matters because the burst can go from killing to not killing really easily.

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I dislike this mindset as it will only lead to a merry go round of whack a mole of heroes being garabage in actual practice. Blizzard doesnt have the best record with a single lever pull and yet constantly decides to muddle things up with multiple lever pulls.

This is ignoring history I feel. just exists and she is seen as oppressive. And in this indvidual case you are arguing to make her more assassin when that is the percise reasoning they are going off nerfing her.

So she cant be more defensive and more offensive the only thing she is allowed is nerfs basically. Anytime she is not in the garbage she is sent right back super fast.


I mean, i’d stop where i think Rein and Orisa stand atm then i’d go from there, i woulndt say just keep nerfing things until nothing really is good, just that currently, instead of buffing the tanks to get to the same lvl Winston and are (on the 15th) is the wrong move, cuz that level, i belive is a bit too much.

Okay but i’d guess most people have more fun against this “assassin” than looking at a Defence Matrix for too long.

And more fun playing it too.

I think Defence Matrix again, is to blame there, people just dont have fun against that thing (me included) , its tough, shes a bit of a jack of all trades on the tank category but balancing those as history has shown is very difficult, look at Soldier, he was either always the worst histcan or broken, no inbetween. (not counting Bastion ofc)

Although i think jack of all trades have a better chance now that comps are supposed to not be too synergistic… despite what OWL’s been cooking that should get nerfed imo.

Here is where you are being an extremely idealist imo. Mainly because Orissa level powers only exist on Orissa and its percisely because of the indviduality of each heroes kit. The only way you can get to orissas level is if you make orissa 2 and thats a bad idea. Otherwise there is a ton of reasons that little tweaks can break heroes (aka make the unplayable trash tier) in attempt to copy other powerlevels.

Also there is the whole who are you to decide which hero is the baseline angle as well. Its always going to be problematic with any baseline you pick. Because the pesky uniqueness of heroes comes back into play.

If the end result is the same it doesnt matter and neither is allowed to exist and its clearly not all tied into gameplay. As she and mercy probably have the most antis for any heroes period for reasons entierly removed from gameplay.

Dm blaming is so old and tiresome when other heroes defenses are better objectively.


I mean its not 1 for 1, thats not humanly possible, i just mean it in a perceived power lvl in the role, id say rn, Orisa gets like a 7 ish score compared to all the tanks on a 1-10 score, while is on the 9ish, getting that perceived power lvl to somewhere closer to eachother is the aim here.

Only some1 with alot of experience on how metas have changed along the years and characters have been buffed/nerfed, and thats to say, just a player since the first beta really, i’m no dev, i just have knack to look at how balanced things are really, idk how often i’m right though, i think most of the time i get it right? maybe.

It matters for fun, its how games should ultimately be balanced towards i believe.

Its not about its better or worse, shooting barriers and D.M are about as boring as one another really, they did nerf on barriers coming to OW2, while buffing DM though weirdly.

You really gotta get off this “Geoff Goodman” crack you’re smoking. It’s not helping your argument in any way and just makes you look petty.

Also when you consider Dva now has to eat damage for their team a lot more to be considered valuable for her team it sort of discourages players to pick her up.

Now that I think about it Dva isn’t the only character that became more demanding to play from OW1 due to the format shift.

I know, i know, i shall.

Its just cuz ive seen people discussing how the new lead hero designer was under him so, theres always a connection to the old one.