Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

It honestly won’t be a noticeable difference in my ranked games. Most of the time you don’t want randoms playing the new hero in your comp games early on because they don’t know how to play the hero at the level of their main/s yet.

I don’t have a problem with heroes being in the battle pass. That is just my opinion. You disagree and have your own reason for doing so and that is fine.

you are in essence invading private conversations

They aren’t private conversations though. They are conversations on a public network.

if you don’t like what people say on your platform, why not remove the voice chat option to begin with

Because they want people to have the option to using voice chat in the game on their terms and remove people who say things on it they don’t like.

Secondly, again, while I enjoy a fun and non-toxic environment, I don’t want a sterile one, where all emotion that isn’t positive is banned, someone who loses should always have the right to voice their disappointment at the loss whatever the reason or method.

At this point, I’m fine with it. They might go overboard and I’ll speak up then, but based on what I’ve seen in text chat so far they aren’t banning anything negative. Just major toxicity. And it will take someone reporting something so you’ve had to cross the line with someone. And that’s the real key. They don’t want others upset and to feel they have to avoid voice chat completely to escape it.

You are a gaming company trying to sell us a product, not our nanny or our mothers

Our behaviour is not our business

They are free to nanny their own gaming environment and that environment is their business. Literally. And that has nothing to do with the law.

Overall the issue is they want to set their standard for people in their game’s chat which is a public forum. If you want to have a private conversation with a group of consenting people you can always set up a Discord chat or anything other thing. But I don’t think Blizzard is wrong here for wanting to create a welcoming voice chat environment for everyone.

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Also have people like “Blizzard employee of the month Comix” forgot that there has been a mute feature in the past like 15 years of gaming. Someone is being disruptive or “toxic”, just mute them and it’s over.


Wait - you mean to tell me their employee of the month portrait isn’t just a stone-etched Bobby Kotick engraving?

And all this time…


They still have a mute feature right? You don’t like what someone is saying, or their music is loud, or they’re “toxic” and you’re to fragile to handle it, you can still just mute them right? Problem solved? I mean this feature has been in gaming for like 15 years, how do you not know it exists?


Blizzard would rather have people free to use voice chat within their community guidelines and remove the people that can’t follow those rules than have to force people to mute or exit voice chat to avoid that behavior. And I agree with them here.

You bringing up “the music is too loud” is actually a decent example. If someone on a bus for example is playing their music in the open and bothering people those people should have to silence the music or get off the bus. And with that expectation there’s a better experience for most everyone on that bus. It shouldn’t be on everyone else to put in ear plugs or whatever to block out that music. That just creates a worse environment where people start fighting.

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Rachael we’re on the same page on a lot of stuff. Sorry I can’t play OW2 with you though because I refuse to pay an extra $60/mo for an allowed service cell.

Comix probably- may he burn in hell.


No need to apologize to me, I wish you the best and hope you do find something that is more worth your time. (and money)


Force people to mute?? It take like 2 seconds!! How lazy are you?


I don’t get why you’re being purposefully obtuse on this. I even gave you an example in my reply. It’s not about being too lazy to mute chat and I think you know that. Just like people in a bus aren’t just too lazy to put in ear plugs in when they get annoyed by someone playing loud music. Blizzard doesn’t want a chat environment where people feel the need to mute the chat to play. I get that you think these people are fragile and should just toughen up and Blizzard shouldn’t cater to them. I don’t agree.

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You’re obviously under 30, probably under 25 years of age. Putting in earbuds on a bus isn’t anything like just muting a person. Before you argue, at least tell me I’m right about age and don’t lie.


Also never talked about overall chat, talked about a person being someone you don’t want to hear. Mute that person and you can still listen to chat if team is giving informational call outs.

But here’s one big massive issue: context. I rarely use text chat anymore because the AI managing tickets will find any swear word and call it proof of being inflammatory. Will it be the same thing with audio logging? Don’t you think this only discourages voice chat since text chat is a risk that really isn’t worth it?

I feel like this kind of system could only work if you brought back gamemasters instead of relying on AI to manage all reports.

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i’m sorry but why exclude pre-paid numbers? it’s the cheapest and easiest witch i preffer


People can report for any number of reasons, even if they just don’t like you.

Not a good excuse to transcribe absolutely everything I say, even temporarily. With the amount of data breaches companies have, companies should be endeavouring to record as little as possible about their users.

Can you really trust any company not to suffer a data breach at this point?


I’m on the opposite side: I main widow and onetrick her, no matter what’s happening on the match. Usually when people ask - oh so nicely - for me to swap, and I say no, I get reported. I accept your right to ask, if you also accept my right to refuse.

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That’s more about PII.

OW coms are conversations in a public game where privacy should not expected, so people shouldnt share PII there anyway.

Even if they did, I’m willing to bet some OW credits that certain personal data is scrubbed somewhere in the transcribing process.

This is justifiable if you are good at her. But if it ever gets to the point where you are bringing your team members down (bad aim, whatever) then I definitely can’t get behind this.

Other than that though - I’ve always been a proponent of - your money, your time, your game - nobody can tell you what to do.

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Then I respectfully ask you to accept that

If it ever gets to the point where you are bringing your team members down (moronic swap idea, whatever) then I definitely can’t get behind this.

Other than that though - I’ve always been a proponent of - your money, your time, your game - nobody can tell you what to do.

Works both ways. Could I report you for bad swap ideas? Of course not, we all know those who ask the swap are always above criticism.

I criticize them anyway. :smiling_imp:

No one is beyond reproach. Those who think they are will be the first to cry when I prove them otherwise. :slight_smile:

But don’t forget the reason why they are asking you in the first place. If you got gold damage though then I really see no reason for you to swap, you’re doing exactly what Widowmaker is meant to do: punish anyone who dares get within LOS of her.