Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

Defense Matrix activated? Don’t make me laugh.
Please do not offend the general public with your poor ideas.


How arrogant of you to presume you can speak for the general public.

(FYI, you do not.)

One only has to look through this thread to see that there’s plenty of people who aren’t offended at all by this and are actually pleased with these changes.

How ignorant of you to ignore the other side of the argument and instead of being civilized with your discussion by either ignoring the toxic statement or making a joke about it, you got incredibly defensive. Oh wait, that’s just called cognitive dissonance.

While he is being rude there are plenty of valid concerns and issues with the current system. Take a look at CS:GO’s system and how they handled going free to play if you want the real way to deal with it.

It is evil to assume that it is OK if the average player is involved because he is not involved.

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Can we get some definition on what a ‘Disruptive Player’ is and can we get some definition on what ‘Disruptive Gameplay’ is? In the further paragraphs ‘Disruptive’ is used twice in reference to text and voice chat, is ‘Disruptive Gameplay’ limited to these systems, as cheating is also referenced as a separate item. ‘Fair’ gameplay is also used throughout the article, but no definition of what fair gameplay means is given, leaving it up to interpretation.

The EULA is something people often debate on these forums, as to what is and what is not against the rules, can we get some clarity what a Disruptive Player is, what Disruptive Gameplay is, and what Fair Gameplay is? Will the EULA be updated on Oct 4th? With so many system changes, are things that were accepted in the past or ignored, that were known to create unfair gameplay, toxicity, or bad actors that are no longer allowed?

The paragraph on SMS Protect makes reference to a persons account in the singular, you also specify that players cannot use the same phone number to create multiple accounts. Am I right in making the assumption this means you do not want people having multiple accounts? Is this something that will be enforced? does this qualify as Disruptive, Cheating, or Reportable?

When the article says “combating banned players from creating new accounts” does this mean that creating a new account after your previous account is banned is against the rules or is even reportable? or if someone is banned on one account, does this mean they will be banned on all accounts they might have access to?

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“Disruptive Player” is defined as,

  1. someone who 1 tricks
  2. someone who isn’t in VC
  3. someone who doesn’t have a mic
  4. someone who plays mercy
  5. someone who plays hog
  6. someone who plays phara
  7. someone who plays echo
  8. someone who plays junk
  9. someone who plays torb
  10. someone who plays brig
  11. someone who is “bad”
  12. someone who is “smurfing”
  13. someone who is on the enemy team and is “good”
  14. someone who plays OW1 doomfist
  15. someone who uses cheap tactics
  16. someone who flames teamates
  17. someone who starts throwing after being flamed by said teamates
  18. All other users. Edit: Not many players fit in category 18
    -1. Normal toxic overwatch chatting(oh wait no match chat in OW2, so this doesn’t count)

I still want an official statement for players who bought OW1 and can’t or don’t have phone subscriptions.


Good luck it won’t happen

yeah… like if someone refuses to swap when they are getting hard countered, or if someone is farming weekly or daily battlepass objectives while not playing to win, or screaming in voice chat really loud while not actually saying any bad words, or playing annoying music/sound effects, or even using voice modulation software (maybe even to fool the text to speech program). Where is the line drawn? I know someone who has 15 accounts all with phone numbers now attached and he says are working, what is and is not against the rules at this point.

This is a customer support thing, I do not think you will get an official statement because there is so much variation from region to region, from company to company, but customer support should know what options if any that you have.

What the community decides is what is not against the rules, the automated system is player driven that’s why ALL players will get banned.

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Rip. I couldn’t even find their email or a means to send a ticket with relation to the issue.

Incoming bans for people with speech impediments or accents that the AI cannot transcribe

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soon you will have a right to be banned for disruptive gameplay, its ez in f2p games cuz you are not paying for access anymore and can be deleted from the game anytime to stop making other people’s mood bad

selfish onetrick should be gone
the more agressive the bans, the more friendly the game will be

So the second hand reddit accounts I have read where a solution was found sounded like they were talking to someone on the phone. My experience with creating tickets that are written is you get an automated or copy pasted response that is only vaguely related to what your problem was. I’m not meaning to discourage you, I do think you should try and contact support, I’m just not sure what the best option is.

Rather pointless to talk the gunman down after he’s killed the hostage, wouldn’t you say?


Yeah, that’s kind of my concern. When the best answer is “I don’t know… go complain on reddit I guess?” it makes it feel like the company just flat out doesn’t care about it’s users. :c But I can’t make calls, because I don’t have phone service. EDIT: The ticket system also won’t let me send a ticket without a phone number. Plus I’m not sure if it’s the right setting for the ticket.

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Ill be honest i didnt even think about that, yikes thats totally gonna happen :fearful:

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I’m willing to bet their software is just going to pinpoint the violation and not take context into account or anything.


A lot of machine learning for text does take context into account if trained properly.

Not in the same way that humans look at context, but the result is relatively accurate sentiment analysis.

Of course there’s probably a straight forward text check for things like slurs, but that’s likely fine