Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

Nice knowing you too.

I’m not the one losing it over one small (and relatively irrelevant) statement. You’re nitpicking and ignoring the larger point. It’s effectively ignoring the forest because of one tree.


Considering toxicity to be “relatively irrelevant” in a thread discussing changes meant, in part, to combat toxicity is the absolute definition of irony.

Yes, it is ironic isn’t it?

I’m sure you’re absolutely perfect in every possible way and have never offended any person once in your entire life, ever, and anyone who even questions that is toxic, as well.

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Now you’re just being completely ridiculous and overreacting since I never said nor claimed anything of the sort.

Definitely time for that ignore list…

No - you just showed your hand.

I’m not the one being unreasonable. I’m just pointing out that you’re oddly fixated on something - and I highly doubt that you’re actually offended - you just want a reason to judge someone else.

Ironic isn’t it? That isn’t toxic in itself?

As they say - “throwing stones in a glass house” and all that. Yeah.


Comix claims they’re not a Blizzard employee, but certainly acts like it. Must defend the brand at all cost!!


Which just proves my point - they’re not actually upset that I accidentally called them dumb. This whole debate they even bothered to have with me stinks to high heaven of disingenuity and distraction from their real objective.


But they aren’t removing it entirely according to the post. It will just be removed from the pre-match screen. The main point of the statement is that levels and ranks won’t be displayed at the beginning of matches to reduce prejudice and toxicity.

If the matchmakers stays the same I’ll be totally fine with that. With the new “SR decay” system and a more difficult barrier of entry for smurfs and cheaters, games will already feel way better.

There has been no comment from Blizzard despite the confusion of so many people.
A company that sexually harasses people with impunity must not think about their users at all!

A company that sexually harasses people with impunity must not think about their users at all!

Well now that you bring THAT up …

Now I’m having a laugh at how they’ll force their ideas of “positivity” on us while they aren’t even treating their own employees fairly. Hoo boy… think I’m gonna jettison myself out of this rabbit hole before it goes too deep.

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they probably won’t because they just introduced a host of other problems, mainly people not having access to all heroes. Screenshots in the post don’t even show the rank anywhere but the profile and that can be set to private so i doubt you’ll ever have a comprehensive view of your team’s actual skill level.

this is straight up sidestepping the issues AT BEST

which geriatric suit running the ow2 team thought requiring a mobile phone number to play the game would be a good idea? there are millions of people who don’t like being contracted into a big cell service and nickel and dimed when they can just pay 45 dollars a month for unlimited everything through services like straight talk and others. Fire everyone making these decisions and come up with a solution that doesn’t exclude people who don’t pay a 100 dollars a month for a cell to enjoy the game as well.


I don’t see this as a problem because most of the randoms in my games are incapable of playing half the hero roster anyway.

“Could we get a hitscan?” “Sorry, I only know junk and torb”,

“Could we get an Ana’ Sorry I can only play Mercy”

“Can we get a Sig?” " I can only play Dva.

I’m really no worried about players not having all the heroes. It will only really matter in the highest level games for the 1%.

I guess we will have to see. Honestly if I don’t get to see someone’s rank it doesn’t bother me. If they play poorly, it will be evident. I don’t need a badge to tell me whether or not they are doing their job and it’s not as if the current rank badges mean anything anyway with the sheer number of smurfs and boosted players in comp.

Just last night I had an awfully pepega Lvl300ish “diamond” tracer getting carried by our Plat border just barely gold Ashe.

While I like an environment where everyone is having fun together, I do not think spying and eavesdropping on conversations and worse yet, recording it, is the way to go, you are in essence invading private conversations, if you don’t like what people say on your platform, why not remove the voice chat option to begin with, breaking international human rights, doesn’t seem worth the hassle.

Secondly, again, while I enjoy a fun and non-toxic environment, I don’t want a sterile one, where all emotion that isn’t positive is banned, someone who loses should always have the right to voice their disappointment at the loss whatever the reason or method. You are a gaming company trying to sell us a product, not our nanny or our mothers. Our behaviour is not our business, unless in some way you conclude that we are somehow breaking a law, at which point it’s not up to you to ban or punish, but to report to the police. Again, breaking international human rights, doesn’t seem worth the effort, regardless of how one may feel.

This is a video game, we are here to have fun, and if you constraint people’s emotions, that fun will dry up faster than snow in a hot summer, creating a very uncomfortable environment as a result. let people do what they do, don’t spy on them, and don’t act like you are a policing force, which you simply are not. Just make fun game, and keep the surveillance stuff out of it.

Because you’re gonna lose lots of customers if you keep encroaching on people’s private time at home. Because that’s what a game is.


Looks like another one destined for the ignore list.

You could at least put some effort into your extremely obvious trolling…

You do realise that the recent lawsuit business had nothing to do with the Overwatch team, right?

If you are utilising the in-game voice chat feature then your conversations are not private.

If they’re not related, it’s just one more group of incompetents.
Frankly, this smurf measure is childish, like a child’s idea.

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now you will get both people who can’t play AND people who won’t play.
the player component not being up to snuff isn’t the same as said player component being outright locked.

this is the biggest lie blizzard shills told and too many people fall for this logic.

player and game design are not comparable