Defense matrix 100% a good ability [Buff D.Va thread]!


Take a look! Defense matrix is such a FUN mess! :slight_smile:


Are you going over replays? They’re often not proper reconstructions of what actually happend.

Your actually joking right? is perfectly fine. She needs a nerf if anything to let Zarya have a place in the meta. Zarya becomes completly useless with being this good. She needs a big nerf ASAP.


100% agree.

Zarya has been bad for so long, D.Va should be nerfed to F tier ASAP!

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Replays are literally replays of the game and how everything went down, without latency factored…

Soooooooooo… any bugs or things that occur even in the replay ARE NOT, latency factored bugs or no regs.

They are just straight up bugs.

Unless i’m dead wrong ofc.


I agree. She has 2 out of jail abilities, she has an ultimate that can one shot every single hero in the game in a very very high range, she has those missiles that do extremely high damage when too close, not to mention she is the most mobile hero in the entire game. AND TO FINISH THIS ALL OFF SHE HAS A SECOND LIFE and that gun she uses causes so much damage it’s insane, she is literally causing as much damage as someone like Mccree! How is this hero balanced??? It’s insane how they haven’t nerfed her to the ground yet.

I do not own a joking.
Actual jokes aside, i’m dead serious.
Replays are reconstructions of what happend ingame.
You can see all sorts of weird stuff going on. Such as inconsistent ragdolling and apparent nohitregs if you skip to random intervalls.

That’s literally WHAT happened in game.

What in the 5head-

It’s not a recorded match, it’s a reconstruction of your match.

If something happens in the game due to latency, like you’re behind a wall when you get killed.

If you view that same kill on the replay of the game, you won’t be behind that wall.

Replays don’t factor in latency, and it’s just how the game went down plain as day. So when the grav is in the middle of the defense matrix and still goes off. That means DM is absolutely hammered.


Who cares? We are here to Hate on discuss about our favorite mech pilot.

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You know something that annoys me whenever I play Dva? When I’m at 60 hp, I take a small healthpack and she says “Fully operational”, like NO, you are barely more operational than before, why you lying?

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It’s kinda hard to tell because depending on the angle I’m not sure. But it looks like the grav was just barely outside of the DM range. How I miss 15 meter DM. I want it back.

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New image added to show that it was in DM.

Yep, that’s pretty conclusive. Must be a bug or some favor the shooter thing. Maybe the Zarya was lagging.

I still want 15 meter DM though or at least 12.


Did they ever touch the visual for DM?

So during the DM, the rein shielded before it showed the shield, and im guessing that ruined the defense matrix thing? But that literally doesn’t make sense.

When they nerfed the range, did they ever touch the visual

Yes, they changed the visuals in 2019.