7 hours Junk and 15 hours Zen
Still no tank?..
7 hours Junk and 15 hours Zen
Still no tank?..
Speaking of Contenders streams, is the only reward to watching them Contenders Skins? I heard someone say you can also get OWL Tokens but Iâm not sure if thatâs true.
Isnât OWL on Hiatus?
Unfortunately Contenders matches dont drop OWL Tokens. But on the good side a whole bunch of countries got eiligibility for the next OWL season if yours havent been before.
It is until next spring. Watching Contenders do drop these skins
Do we even have a match calendar for dec yet?
Combined these are what iâve found. Decembers Contenders matches will be Gauntlet competitions.
To also followup, the month of December will grant another opportunity to earn Symmetra and Mercy skins again. Symmetra for 18 hours, Mercy for 20 hours watched.
Also additional matches starting this morning at 2 AM for the Korean Gauntlet open qualifers will start adding more hours to earn Torbjorn and Lucio.
Has Mei come and gone? Didnât know this was a thing until mercy sym?
Mercy and Sym were the first and Genji was free for everyone. Mei havent had her skin yet
Thats annoying. I didnât get the Mercy skin not because I didnât want to watch the streams but because my timezone didnât allow me to watch the streams at a reasonable time. Now it seems like it will be even harder to get it this time.
Iâm happy for the people who like these contender skins but I canât help but say ehh. Itâs just different colors. I could understand the hype if it added new designs or something.
Makes me wish they added a dye function to the already existing cosmetics
Sweeeet!!! Thanks for the heads up!!
This is rather upsetting and unfair to the players that literally broke our neck to WORK to get these two skins, especially Mercy, when the month of October only had a few more matches to watch as this announcement first hit. But each streamed match runs at least 6-8 hours typically so I planned it all out and made sure I completed the required time to get it. Now a few players are crying because they didnt know about it or it wasnt enough time and you give them an extra chance to get it while putting a giant finger in the air to those of us who made it a priority and also show it clearly wasnt difficult to getâŚyou just had to want it bad enough. I guess " You snooze You lose" doesnt apply THIS time, even tho the rest of the time Blizz just responds with âyea sorry bye now, working as intended.â
Next thing you know you will be bringing back the Pink Ribbon Mercy for more players to get a collector skin (isnt there a reason its called collectors???)âŚOh wait, youâre already planning on doing that too, nvmâŚpffftâŚ
While youâre at it, could you just list all the Pacific/Atlantic League collectors skins in the OWL store in game. At least on this you would be making some money. But seriously, this is a bad ref call to bring back something that shows our dedication to the game and events, only to have a whole bunch of late comers sporting it now. Well it was fun wearing it while it lasted until every other player has it tooâŚhuge thanks to this genius executive decision.
This is not correct, there was at least one stream with system-end technical malfunctions and that resulted in hundreds of players not getting the skin even if they did earn enough hours. I would be willing to bet if you were one of those players, you would have been screaming and having a fit. I spent a lot of my free time investigating this and worked to make sure EVERYONE is getting a FAIR and HONEST chance to earn every skin. In fact, I wish Blizzard could have done a little more investigating and worked to manually reward to the skin to anyone who earned the time necessary, but at least this way this second chance is accommodating those who had an issue in October.
Forgive me if I sound harsh about this, but I donât give a damn about you or anyone elseâs misguided concepts to a so-called âright to exclusivityâ for any given digital cosmetic item. Now I donât believe skins like Pink Mercy or previous OWL All-Star skins will ever return, but to quote Jeff Kaplan âNever say never!â There have been 3 Legendary Skins that appeared in an exclusive promotion and was later given a second chance or put in the standard loot box distribution. I am fine with any decision Blizzard makes to re-release any promotional skin in the future, because I donât need to have a certain combination of pixels to feel special in Overwatch. I believe to feel special in Overwatch means being defined by your actions.
I would be the coolest guy ever if I had the Blizzcon 2016 Bastion pixels, though.
Schedule update needed
Awww. Those OWL All-Star skins are on for so short a time. I missed one of them and have always hoping they would have a redo
First matches are December 4th in case anyone is wondering, South American Gauntlet matches.
I wish the Gauntlet was at LAN this year like it was last year, that was amazing, but alas, COVID.