Did you forget you were the one who brought up Ana as being conspiracist? I just agreed with you when they were lying to get what they wanted with proof. You kind of played yourself. There’s dozens of more examples of toxic Ana behavior, in greed in the “Are Ana mains demanding more Buffs getting greedy?” Thread.
When it was cited:
-Ana was good tank killer with team work with grenade
-Moderate damage Widowmaker
-Good anti-Pharah pick
-Several Ana Buff helping
Toxic people insist that was just dumb low sr players, Ana-hater, Mercy Main giving bad advice. When it was revealed that those suggestions and feedback were directly from other Ana main or famous youtubers. Others just double down buffs didn’t exist even after the dev updates were posted. Ana player ate their own and blamed on Mercy. Very embarrassing.
Other players felt Ana players were starting to get greedy as the repeatedly got what they asked for, Ana was on her way being higher pick rate. But people still complained.
Here’s other people feedback about Ana’s damage buff.
us.battle dot net subject “I love Ana’s damage buff so much” "Damage buff for Ana is cool…
“70 is still good stop complaining you get what you want and you still complain like wow” -Buzzintate
“70’s a fantastic spot.
Would prefer they up her healing potential, by giving her more ammo and maybe letting darts pierce barriers but only healing when doing so, but I’ll take it.” -Sederath Oct31
“Wow did blizzard listen and later gave extra ammo and better healing. But delusional people like JuicyBrucie pretend these buff don’t exist or just 100% opinion to egg on more buffs. How greedy.”
You seem confused. Ambiguous points with empty rhetoric without proof again? That’s moot. Despite your desperate spin defending toxic players. Clearly people can see in patch notes/in game Ana did in fact receive several buffs back to back. Clearly momoking claim they don’t exist is in the wrong, on top of double down lashing on low mercy mains for simply pointing out the fact. That’s done out of malice and not constructive. People are welcome to constructively disagree, however don’t repeatedly make stuff up or insult others when the facts do come out.
Shades you are confused and keep contradicting yourself. It’s very misleading. You then back pedaled and agree attacking someone low rank is wrong or mocking other with insulting stereotypes is toxic. But then turn around and hypocritical do it yourself. When I didn’t insult you, you like to mock with stereotypes to avoid facts. Then you get offended that several toxic Ana players got caught lying with proof, rather than criticise unethical behavior itself. That’s not reasonable. Where’s your credibility in that. You aren’t buying what you are selling, and going in circle contradicting yourself or repeat points that been debunked already. People should work together, not encourage deception or greed.
I actually flex a lot even Main a Mei/Reaper in low platinum with around 60% win rate this season. My best over all win rate on all season is with torb with +62% win rate. I actually cheer for the underdog a lot and previous ana buffs But I guess is easier to attack stereotypes distract from previous facts presented. Shade you being toxic person yourself of course defend Momoking doing the same or worse trying to lie about lack of Ana buffs to egg on more. Understand that belittling Mercy players when they point out inconvenient facts, it undermines your point and shows your hypocrisy.
That’s cute deflection. Does it change how Did Momoking/JuicyBrucie repeated lie about the lack of Ana buffs to egg on more buffs? Or how they bully Mercy players with prejudice, or low rank players for simply pointing out inconvenient facts? Nope. Of course you defend toxic players that push a false narrative when you are hypocritically toxic yourself. Keep deflecting though. It’s interesting you can’t actually prove and proof I like I have. But just spin more empty rhetoric that enables more toxic ana behavior that OP as talking bout.
Yea that’s not how it works. But why Shade attack strawman or blatantly lie when I already encouraged an open discussion. Omitting more facts.
Even though I got insulted and put down for being a Mercy main. I still in
in fact I took the time to listen and collection numerous people’s feedback/request for more Ana buff. I quoted feedback from other Ana mains providing helpful tips to share. Shades your false narrative doesn’t add up. Shades I’m going to kindly ask you to stop lying and blatantly manipulating people. It’s toxic and very hypocritical of you. Deception and spin isn’t constructive.