Dear Toxic Ana Players/Supporters

I hope you aren’t intentional being coy and going broken record here. Even the example and proof was already posted to refute lies.

Obviously false and a strawman about that single thread can stall Ana development when she become top pick with many updates. It’s just blatant lie and shaming tactic to silence any constructive criticism. We know for fact did receive recent buffs back to back.

Jeff confirms Ana rifle damage buff Back in Oct/Nov 2017
"Yes. We’re increasing her damage.(70)
We’ve been testing it internally for a while. Last night, we threw our competitive group at it (Masters/GM level players) and they really liked it also. So it will probably make the PTR soon.

"Continuing the discussion from [Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – May 3,

It doesn’t matter if these facts or updated are written on napkin or from a Mercy/Ani/Junkrat/Doomfist main. Facts are facts. No amount of prejudice can change those updated existed and Momoking lied. I find it hypocritical they talk about ignorance or being disrespectful, yet they are the one omitting facts and talk down on Mercy players, who happen to know about Ana updated than they do. Dev put a lot of hard work and thought into those positive changes to Ana, give credit where it’s due.

Please stop defending toxic Ana players and enabling them. OP is right. It’s getting out of hand. I have lot of friend in game who play Ana and don’t feel the need to rub it in be toxic to get what they want.