Man it’s because I’ve replied to posts like yours many times before. When you make threads like this it just stalls Ana’s development if she wasn’t already dead with no updates for over a year. How is asking for a character to be examined that’s been dead for almost two years greedy? Your post is disrespectful and ignorant especially considering you have virtually no time on her in competitive and you’re low gold where Ana will never be played decently.
How is she viable when she has one of the worst pick rate and win rate for a support across all ranks? Her utility, which is the only reason people at higher ranks play her, is nullified by barriers and her low survivability. You have to put in 10x the effort with Ana to be half as efficient as a Mercy player and even then the other main healers are usually the better pick. Symmetra and Torb are getting reworks and Bastion is a niche pick.
These changes do very little for her dire situation.