Dear Roadhog mains

Its quite amusing how people love to use pickrate and winrate as a reason to nerf or buff a hero.


Hog already got nerfed. He is doing so well because of the GM meta.


Why would he be nerfed? he’s already been nerfed.


Lol, op’s a master of baiting people. Looking forward to when the mods finally suspend him for spam threads.

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I don’t think this is flaggable either. He’s basically just whining.

I was unaware that gold players had to deal with GM level gameplay.


Doom player hoping for roadhog nerfs lol.

Ever tried playing outside of roadhogs range?

Spam threads would be me saying the exact same thing every single day without a change of context. This is relevant to this weeks picks in GM. Stop trying to look for a reason to silence people that have a different opinion than you. There are Hog threads on a daily basis, i create a new one once a week.

It isn’t plenty of range. Not only did it make peeling inconsistent, it introduced 2 major bugs with DM.

The current Boosters don’t justify DM’s range.

Fortify was the main issue at first, but then they nerfed it. Halt was the main issue then. But what did they do? They kept nerfing Fortify, and leaving Halt basically untouched. Then, they finally nerfed Halt, but left the Fortify nerfs (the unnecessary ones) in.

I didn’t say you’re supposed to 1v6.

Doesn’t matter if you die in 3 seconds against the enemy team’s fire. Unless you have god-tier supports.

It’s not necessarily the teammates just not following up, it’s the ultimate doesn’t last long enough for your teammates to fully capitalize on it.

I think controlling the flow of the fight would have been better wording. Also, that is his job. Why do you think he has a ranged stun, a barrier that can redeploy anywhere, a budget Defense Matrix, and an AoE primary fire? Not to mention the ultimate.

It is, as it’s used to help control the pace of a fight. Not a main issue, but an issue.

Sigma’s shield has a travel time if you want it to be really versatile, so there is a good chance half of the barrier’s health will be gone by the time it gets where you want it to go.

I never said that.

How does she do more reliable/meaningful damage than most DPS? I could see what you’re saying if you said consistency, but meaningful?

Peel is not one of Hog’s main jobs. If it was, he would have an ability that would allow him to consistently peel and not sacrifice his only other use for it.

The Soldier change didn’t do anything to Hog. Soldier doesn’t counter Hog, and Hog doesn’t counter Soldier.

Do you think I’m the only one that notices you whinging and whining about Hog every day? It’s like someone broke your favorite toy and you just can’t let it go. Grow up and maybe cut down your hog diatribe to once a week to give us all a break. And stop bringing up hog in everyone elses topics that have nothing to do with Hog. They are trying to have a discussion and don’t need it derailed by you. Show some consideration - some of us come to the forums every day and don’t need them to be as repetitive as you are helping to make them.


His hook is broken, I don’t get it when it breaks, like sometimes I literally hook someone 1 meter in front of me and decides to break randomly, same with when im on the hook side, sometimes i say how lucky for me that hook broke, other than that he is a pseudo reaper.

Can you leave me alone? Please, you’re in every thread i post telling me the same thing. Your obsession with me is actually irritating and kinda weird. I’m going to perma mute you so i don’t see your future posts.

well Ana has been better than that for a while and she hasn’t gotten nerfed yet

Ah yes, devs see Tank usage in GM at an all time high, with the most fun Tanks being meta, and think “We need to stop this”.

You’re the one who made me look at GM stats

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Tank is no longer picking the best choice, its picking what’s left of the trash.

It is plenty of range once you take into consideration that she has good mobility and DM is a contender for the strongest ability in the game.

It was still fortified mainly. Halt! was problematic, yes, but Fortify was the main issue.

Fortify is fine as it is. All she could really use is a shield buff to secure her position as an Anchor tank.

But you said hold his own meaning you aren’t taking into account that there are such things as teammates to help him out even if he couldn’t, which he can nonetheless.

If you die in 3 seconds as Rein you are doing something very wrong.

It’s fine how it is. There is plenty of time to capitalize on shatter if you can muster even the smallest bit of communication and just game sense in general.

Ah, that makes more sense. He can still do that, all main tanks can. That’s why they’re the most impactful role in the game.

It really isn’t. Accretion is fine as is. You gotta realize that he trades the duration of the stun for its sheer size, shorter CD, and long-ranged use.

Why are you sending it across the map and through the enemy? People rarely ever focus his shield when it’s moving, they focus it mainly when it’s stationary.

You were complaining about how it’s countered by the same things DM is countered by…

Beams are the most reliable and consistent types of damage since they are easier to get value out of than, say, hitscan and projectiles. She is a tank and has a personal 2-second invulnerability bubble where she gets to do free damage to people so she can be more direct about her damage as opposed to what most projectile DPS do which is meaningless poke damage.

Not to mention her 0% beam does 35 more DPS than Sym, who’s an actual DPS.

Now, with charge, she does a lot more damage. In most fights she will usually have 70%+ in charge so she does 147.5+ DPS. That is more damage than McCree if he hits consecutive nonstop body shots with no falloff, more than Genji if he hits less than 2 crits consecutively on his M2. It’s more than Hanzo’s DPS unless he crits which is harder to do than tracking with Zarya’s beam.
The list goes on and yet all these DPS don’t have 2 seconds of invulnerability to all damage and most CC
Plus, Zarya also has perhaps the best ult in the game.

It is, it’s called his hook which is perhaps the best peel in the game. His hook is a big threat so that’s how he holds space as well, though there is a CD on it that isn’t very long but still allows for him to be punished which makes him balanced.

Soldier is able to do far more consistent damage, especially on crits. He is good at breaking shields so that means he can burst down shields with easy and then mow down the person behind it. Hog doesn’t rely on having a shield and is a bullet sponge so he is better against Soldier.

Hog ain’t the most popular tank though

Yeah, but you also have to understand what’s “normal” for GM is 2 Tanks taking up 90% of the pickrate. What you see how is a luxury compared to that.

Additionally, with Mei/Brig/Baptiste getting buffed, that’s bound to have some pretty big impacts on GM Tank meta.

Depends what you’re looking at.

Ok listen even i am getting tired of my own complaining over Roadhog, i understand that whining 24/7 isn’t going to work. But it’s frustrating when you lose 700 sr and i think Roadhog being where he is reflects that pretty well. That’s really all i’m saying, i think those stats indicate that he is extremely overpowered right now and he is likely to get nerfed.