Overall this week in GM:
Pick rate: 10.25%
Win rate: 53.35%
On Fire: 7.82%
Enjoy it while it lasts, he’s going to get nerfed to the ground.
Overall this week in GM:
Pick rate: 10.25%
Win rate: 53.35%
On Fire: 7.82%
Enjoy it while it lasts, he’s going to get nerfed to the ground.
I doubt that. Why does he need a nerf?
they’ll remove one from his magazine and we’ll basically just be back to hook 2,0
reeeeeeee haters gonna hate me in their backline but its not about the sr its about sending a message
Hog isn’t even that great right now, in terms of individual power level (just like most tanks). He’s useless outside of Hook.
Not Hog’s fault most of the tank roster is garbage.
Is there a way to report this guy for raising the same thing every other day and trying to take over topics not about hog by going on and on about hog being OP. He is truly obsessed. I’ve never seen anyone on the forums post so much about a single hero being OP. At this point he is just spamming.
Hog is fine, there is nothing you can nerf about him without him being in the dirt. Get good nubcake.
Yeah you can block me, it’s really easy. It’s your own fault for clicking on topics.
False flagging is kinda wrong.
I would personally say that having the highest tank pickrate in GM would qualify a hero as being good
Cause they aren’t
Tanks are fine, or do you want them to be better at dps’s job again?
Oh so you didn’t perma-block me like you said for complaining about your incessant hog posts? You keep posting them multiple times a day and I’ll keep complaining about them because it is getting beyond a joke!
Get a life and at least add some variety about what you complain about. It’s not healthy to be obsessed with 1 hero like this.
It really doesn’t. Maybe relatively, but not individually.
If (most) other tanks were good, Hog wouldn’t be as strong as he is. What is so different between now and before Hog’s damage buff? He has a slower fire rate with a kill combo that is a little more consistent than before.
Why is he so strong now?
I would like them to be able to do their job properly.
He blocks everyone for telling him that heroes he hates are fine.
They already do only tank that needs a buff is orisa, maybe dva needs dm to go to 12. Otherwise tanks are fine.
You’re the biggest crybaby i’ve ever seen, even more than me as you claim and that’s saying a lot. You’re obsessed with me my posts. What’s wrong with you dude
So what do you have that supports your claim? Currently most if not all the stats say otherwise
No, because most tanks are fine and Hog is as strong as he is
My theory is Hog was good, but got ****ed hard due to shield stacking, or shields having to much HP before.
Now after several nerfs to shields, and even him being currently a weaker version before his broken buffs, he can be used as a main and offtank. I think if maintanks get a bit buffed, Hog will fall again bcs he cant get much done if there is a reliable shield which is effective way to block his hook.
I’m a crybaby over a hero that cost me 700 SR. He is obsessed with me and my posts to an unhealthy level. He’s weird.
Says the one with a Hog and Genji obsession