Dear Rein players

Actually that is one of the worst types of play you can do. Rhin is there to protect, not to rake in the kills. That is the DPS job.
As a Rhin your job is to keep people alive as long as you can, nothing more.

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What’s that? Press shift? I heard you say press shift.


I’m guessing your teammates kick you a lot…

Well someone definitely said shift.

I’m in gold, I don’t get angry at them doing this, but I have a hard time giving them the benefit of the doubt that they’re using proper game awareness.

I have seen what you are detailing though and as a support main I will follow rein until my death but still sometimes I have to wonder xP

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You sound like a great support :slight_smile:
Funnily enough, most of the time it’s dps (i.e chargers) who hesitate to go along with the charge :x

People gotta trusssssst. But then again I don’t main tank or DPS for a reason :stuck_out_tongue: (I like to stay alive)

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Fine. ill just hold tight and hope my team helps :joy:

We’ll be here all day waiting for something to happen. Have you not learnt anything standing at this choke for the last 2 minutes? Better try push in and hope the healers cope with whatever hap - I NEED HEALING

tbh the number of Rein players that carelessly charge in to the enemy team alone and sealing their death, is quite low at plat/diamond level in comp.

Sure it happens from time to time, and I try to give the Rein a friendly reminder not to charge them alone again or at least give me and the rest of the team a heads up so we can bubble him and follow him in.

In fact, this season, most of my games have been me asking if anyone is comfortable at playing Rein before the round starts, 20% of the time someone will instantly pick Rein which is great, the other 80% of times I get “I’m reaaaaally not good at Rein but I guess I could try” and I always reassure them it will be fine, just stay together, give them 3 second counts for bubbles, so they can get a little aggressive etc. Usually it turns out fine.

Playing Rein is all about balance. The Rein player has to have the right level of aggression. Not too passive where they never charge or swing, but also not crazy charging in every time and dying. The Reins that understand this balance and have the right level of aggression & defence, always do the best.

:spider_web: Just push with your tank. Ez gg
Imagine playing support and not trying to support your weakest link to give your team the best shot at winning. Ooof.

What do you have to lose by charging in with a charging Rein that you wouldn’t already lose by just staying at the choke and watching him die alone? :thinking:

because that is the job of the main tank. to create space and start engagements… are you serious? that is their most important job. who else do you think is gonna start the engagements off?

it literary doesn’t matter. if you rein does a stupid pin you and your team MUST push forward and support him! if you don’t you are are going to lose every engagement. the main tank is probably the single most important player when it comes to team fights. if you arent supporting your rein as an ana then you are throwing

I’ve been laughing so much while reading this thread. :joy: Been there, done that.

A while back I used to dislike tanking. was the only tank I touched and only in situations nobody else did anything about enemy snipers. Since I occasionally suffer from some damn Jesus complex, one day I cracked after a long streak of losses and seeing one or more tanks on enemy side every time.

So I went Rein. I had tried him out a couple of times in vs. AI, but the first time I went into QP must’ve been a nightmare for my team. I kept mixing up flame strike and charge buttons, and every time I was trying to FS I charged. :joy: I was cursing so much. People were probs watching in horror like “there he goes again…” Someone said in chat “Rein pls stop charging, healers can’t keep up.” :joy: If said team members from back then happen to read this and remember: I am so terribly sorry.

For the rest of the match I kept my pinky finger away from keyboard altogether so that I wouldn’t charge anymore.

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I’ll just leave this here…

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Did someone say “CHAAAAAARGE!”?

Hammers Shift key

Once i hammer down , i cannot resist to charge innnnn :rofl:

The “random” charge into a team of 6 is often done because the rein keeps walking toward the choke with no one on his team following him, his shield getting torn down and him deciding the best way to help his team engage is to charge, specifically the enemy rein. This puts all the attention on the rein in their midst AND they no longer have a shield protecting them. Its a calculated suicide.

Nothing feels better than getting to the point where you know your team isn’t very capable, nor are they behind your shield, so you just say “whatever” and just charge on a whim to do something desperate…

…And then your screen just goes a bit blue and you hear the magical words: “Your powered up! Get in there!”

Ana cared… she just cared…she was just probably too busy with everyone else’s mess to take care of you. But in the end…she cared…

Be that Ana, OP. We need you.

Do it!

When Rein charges in, one of either two things happens:

A: The entire enemy team dies.
B: Rein dies.

I don’t know about you but this seems like a no brainer.