Dear Rein players

they only want to get extra value of that nade that you lob towards them in hopes of keeping him alive for a half second later

Oh no, not the Bastion! Lol.

What support stands directly behind his shield? If they are they’re mostly likely DPSing anyways.

Let’s look at it this way, if your Rein charges in and dies the push is over anyways. So might as well push in with him and try to save the push.

But the reality is you probably just have no idea how Rein works. If they are a long term Rein at your rank, I’m not sure why you think you know better than him.

Fill Reins will just hold the shield up and die unless tilted.

Ana : you’re powered up get in there!
Everyone : looks at Reinhardt

Reinhardt : dies
Everyone : :open_mouth:

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But…sometimes…IT DOES HAPPEN!!!

also stop charging golden orisas
we like the free kill but damn it makes you look bad

they charge in and blame you for their mistakes…

Nonsense, I used you as wall and killed your Moira.

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When I’m the shield in front of my team, it’s my responsibility to make sure the front of our team actually moves forward. If I don’t push forward, then no one on our team will. At least not without running in front of the shield and risk getting absolutely shredded.

I don’t even try to be a dictator. If someone has a problem, they’re more than welcome to say “hold up, wait for X”. I’ve gladly delayed a push a couple seconds because Zarya wanted her bubble or Ana wanted to top off her ult or something. The thing is, I need to know, and you need to let me know.

But what often happens is I literally ask my team “Are we good?” over mic, literally no one says anything (including the people I know have mics) so I just take that as a yes, tell them “alright then let’s go”, I push in and get swarmed because apparently my teammate just didn’t feel like it, even when given ample opportunity to let me know something’s wrong.


Oh I’ve definitely seen it too.

Main difference is likely I’m usually the Rein nowadays, so my team’s Rein isn’t always dumb. (I still make mistakes, I can admit that)



But seriously, people make mistakes (See: Rein alone in their backline). It’s cool. We don’t expect you to out perform a Mercy in practice. Might as well call her Sinéad O’Connor because NOOOOTHING COMPARES…

Oh, what are the DPS up to? Oh cool, forgot it’s time for Brunch.

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I would argue that Lucio has a better 6v1 chance on point then rein

Dear Ana Players

I NEED HEALING! esplodes from 6 people


For some reason, dudes think the charge velocity will protect them the same as a shield? It’s fun to shoot enemy Reins down mid-charge, though. Nothing more satisfying.

People just don’t get machanics plain and simple.
People don’t really understand what a tank really is or what a healer’s role is.

Heck most of the DPS don’t even know what their doing, and that is just chalked up to people’s own stupidity.

Sounds a lot like… Gold Reinhardt play. This is why I picked McCree to climb out of gold, because I can hit the barn with my shots. >:) Also I’m apparently the only person in the history of gold who can hit Pharah, even though she has the air jukes of a falling lead ball more often than not.

I try to peel for charging Reins if I feel we have a chance of making it back alive. It works out about 50/50, maybe 60/40.

Sometimes however I’m waiting on people to regroup and- oh-p!!!- there he goes. Even if I skim, the likelihood of surprise charges not resulting in stagger is minimal. So I’ll watch him die.

Part of the healer’s job is staying alive after all.

Yeah I deal with this a lot.

It’s like… “folks, this is so simple, get behind the shield… wait for a pick… then you can go charging in”

This situation is not always brainless though;
if Rein has :

  • no more shield
  • no more life
  • basically if he’s confirmed to be dead in next seconds,

then it’s sometimes (emphasis on sometimes, depends on situation) a better decision imo to charge and take aggro for a few seconds, and save your team from a massive enemy rush. Could even take someone into his grave in the process, or just charge his ult faster;

As many Rein mains have mentionned here, and which is still a big problem after 3 years : is that his team rarely dares to use his aggro to vomit all their bullets into aggro’ed enemies, and kill 2-3 faster than they would kill Rein. Aggro is still a very Blizzard thing, not enough people use it like they’re regularly using it in WoW imo.
(that said, I agree that 90% of the time, cautious, precise Rein is a way better Rein)


Agreed smoke, part of a tank’s job is to have their team in their mindset at all times. A self sacrifice is not outta the question for them.

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There is no point in playing Hammerman if you don’t fingerbang that charge button.