Dear lower rank players

Same goes for almost everyone, irrespective of rank, i daresay. =)

+1 because it is a fact that the majority of players who are of a certain rank know more of what they are doing and what needs to be done, to varying degrees.

To my fellow Bronzers and other ranks who consist of the majority of the playerbase, Coming as a Bronzer, i agree totally with Isenfer.

I think that in order for players to better understand the game, they should play a lot of QPC (I have been playing close to 100 hours on it because wait time is almost non-existent at any time of the day and to get my 9 wins for loot boxes) because of the extremely loose MMR there. I have played with and against players who are as high as Diamond on a frequent basis and occasionally a Master/GM or two.

Almost everyone i play with and against on QPC are Silver to Platinum Borders which means that they had been playing the game for a very long time and are experienced players.

So if one thinks that a certain character is OP or whatever, it is good to play that character in QPC and see how it goes. Characters which are problematic or considered as OP are easily taken down or confirmed to be such in this game mode because of the flexible MMR.

In addition, guys, this low ranks vs high ranks thing has to stop.
2 years back, i asked the same question

… and honestly, the feedback has remained the same - Speak your mind but always remember to keep things in perspective.